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Elsa and her friend have been on the phone for hours. I've been eavesdropping the entire time of course. I have the right to since she's on my phone. It's so weird how long they can keep a conversation going. It's like they've been friends forever but my sister told me they had only met yesterday.

...Really weird.

She laughs for the tenth time in the past few minutes. She's so different. She used to be so shy and cold to everyone besides me, because of her powers. But it's like she just, lost all thought of her powers and changed over night.

Alrighty, it's time to get my phone back. This is getting boring.

I knock on the door and a few seconds later Elsa opens the door. I notice a light shade of pink on her cheeks and I put on a small smirk. "Phone. Now." I order her, holding my hand out.

She mouths a please with puppy-dog eyes and I shake my head in response. "No more boyfriend talk." I spoke loud enough for the boy on the other end to hear.

"Bye Jack." She sighs and hangs up the phone, handing it to me. "Ooooh... Jack, huh? So I finally learn the mystery boyfriends name."

"Anna, we are just friends. I just met him yesterday, remember? I'm not ready for that. Besides, it would never work." She protests.

"Well, why not?" I raise my eyebrow.

"It just... Won't." She sighs.


I open my door and my sister leans on the door frame. "Well! That was a long 'checking in' call." She exclaims while crossing her arms.

"Ha. Ha." I say sarcastically while ruffling her already-messy chestnut brown hair.

I go downstairs to the kitchen where my mom is making a late lunch. "Jack?" She starts. I ignore her. "Jack, honey, speak to me."

"I'm sorry you had to hear us fight." She places her hand on my shoulder and I just shake it off.

"Emma told me you were on the phone with that girl for hours." She stated blankly while continuing to prepare food.

"Yep." I go to the living room that's connected to the small kitchen and plop down on the couch.

"You know you can't see her again, Jack. There's no point." She says from the kitchen.

"She's in her world up in the city." She continues. "And we're down here, Jack."

"So?" I mumble back.

"So... You shouldn't get attached. Jack, I know how you are. You're very caring, and that leads to attachments." She comes over to the couch and sits next to me.

"I'm not attached. She's just a girl that I helped and I'm just making sure she's alright."

"Good." She stands up again. "Because humans aren't worth our time. Plus, you barely know her."

3rd person pov

Somewhere in the city, in a large tower, stood a tall, impatient man, his black hair combed to a point at the crown of his head. Although he isn't the head president of this area, he plays an important part in all governmental decisions. He has such an important role just because of his wealth. And this city, well, they are running low on government funding.

"Sir, we have more reports on Elsa Arendelle." A secretary of the man tells him.

"Apparently," the secretary continues. "The girl was found using magic yesterday morning."

"Wow. So not only does this girl socialize with those savages, but she also has their magic!" He gasps.

"You!" He points at a young man at a computer. "Find out who her parents are. I need to speak with them."

He walks back to the video playback of his secret cameras he has planted near the girl's house for a few minutes until he gets called back over to the computer geek.

"Her parents are dead, sir. But this is an old hologram of them." He shows the man a picture and he looks at it with squinted eyes.

"It can't be." He simply responds and walks out of his office.

He walks into the large conference room that he had atop his tower. "You there! Get Henry Frost on the line!"

A few moments later, the man speaks a greeting. "Hello, Mr. Frost! How are you?"

"Holding up." Mr. Frost says roughly from the other line.

"Great to hear." I lie. "Listen, I need you to come to a meeting Sunday afternoon. Exactly 3 days from now, can you do that?"

"Alright." Mr. Frost answers.

"Oh, and bring your son too." The man adds in.

"My son?!" The man on the other line gasps. "Not to be blunt, but my son has no business with you, or your kind." Mr. Frost argues.

"Need I remind you who has the power here." The other line was silent so the authority spoke again. "I'll see you then."

The authority, Mr. Black, hung up the phone and leaned back in his over-priced swivel chair, grinning as he looked over the bustling city.

A/N: I'll edit this later. I had writers-block. But I wanted to post something. Most of this chapter is filler.

Sorry that it's so short! The next chapter will be REALLY long so look forward to that ;)

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