Chapter Twenty

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Angry is an understatement, at least when used to describe Harry Styles.

The man was pacing back and forth in his hotel room, absolutely seething. I sat on the edge of his bed, trying to avoid his gaze without looking like a coward. I was a bit upset that there was not a glimmer of happiness in his eyes when he first saw me. It was shock, which turned into a new form of furious that made me fear my existence on this planet. Before I knew it, I was dragged into his room and we haven't spoken a word to each other.

There were moments where he would just stare at me, as if he was ready to finally speak, and then continue to think. I felt uncomfortable just sitting without saying anything, without at least explaining myself. But my inner wimp told me to shut up for now, and take whatever is coming to me.

"Words cannot describe how incredibly stupid your actions are." He finally spoke up and I nodded.

"I can tell, you haven't spoken in fifteen minutes." I got a hard glare for this so I shut my lips once again.

"I cannot wait to hear your reason for this, so go ahead, tell me." There was a bittersweet smirk on his face now, and I honestly preferred the death stare.

"I was worried." I spoke truthfully and he blinked, and this was the most surprising part. Harry laughed at me.

"You can't even be honest with me? Did you want time off of work, or a reason to go on a vacation?" I was stunned, why would he think that I would act like that?

"I am being honest Harry, why can't I be genuinely concerned about you?" I asked and he looked at me, taking a deep breath and exhaling.

"You can stay in here for now, and once you're ready to tell me why you flew down here, then you can call me." He took a pen and post-it note and wrote down his cellphone number, before walking out of the room and slamming the door. I didn't understand why it was so hard for him to believe that, has no one ever told him that they have been concerned about him?

"I don't know, all I know is that is mother is deceased and he keeps no connections with his father."

That's right, Zayn told me about the lack of parental figures in his life. Perhaps without the people that are supposed to teach you how to love in your life, it never becomes a priority. It was upsetting to think about it, but maybe now I finally understood why he hasn't had any relationships in the past.

But now how the hell am I supposed to convince him that I had no other motive than to simply see if he was alright?


I stared at the number I put in my phone for a good hour before I decided that staying in this room was stupid. I was in Miami, one of the best cities in Florida and I am not taking advantage of it. Seeing the ocean water outside of the window of the hotel room was a tease, including all of the hot men that also littered the sand.

I bit down on my lip, I knew if I told Harry that I wanted to explore, he would instantly dismiss the idea. Despite the fact that I knew he wasn't in charge of me, I couldn't help but feel obligated to listen to him. Maybe it was the money he spent on me, or something else?

I shook my head, taking a pen and writing on the note with his number on it. I simply said that I would be out and to not worry. I also wrote my phone number in case of an emergency. I went to my luggage and pulled out my strapless sundress that was casual enough for the beach and some sunglasses. I changed clothes and opened the door, shutting it quietly and walking to the elevator.

Once I got out of the lobby, I figured I was in the clear. I walked in the direction that I thought led to the beach. I continued to stroll down the street, making various turns that I thought were correct. My confidence slowly began to deteriorate once I realized I was lost, I sighed and looked around, trying to become aware of my surroundings. If I was still a teen and stuck in this situation, I would have hitchhiked.

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