Latter that night

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Thomas saw another boy walking up the drive way with Brandon and Jade.when Jade walked through the door.Thomas asked her who he is? Jade said he's my boyfriend  big brother.Thomas asked again what is his name? Shane Dawson.said Jade .well Skylyn and your mom are in your room waiting for you,you might want to leave him down here.said Thomas.ok Thomas don't scare him to death and definitely don't tell him about dad.said Jade. Jade walked upstairs and went in her room she found Skylyn and her mom. Mom introduced me to Skylyn.and mom asked me to live with her.I asked her if I still would be going to this school.she said if you want to but you will have to get a body guard to follow you around.if you go to the school your sister goes to you wont need a body guard.Said mom.could I live with you but go to the same school?         Why do you want to go to that crappy school?said mom.I have a boyfriend that goes to that school and he's not crap,I also invited him over he's down stairs with Thomas.said Jade.okay bring him up up here.said mom. Jade runs down stairs ask Shane to come upstairs with her.Shane runs up the stairs with her and run into her room. She looks at her mom and says this is Shane he goes to the school that you call crap.said Jade. Jade he's cute but he's not famous.said mom.why should you care you took Skylyn away from dad and left me and Brandon there to die in his hands.then when I call the cops and they take me here to live with Thomas.your sitting here making a big deal about what school I go to,and whose dating me,If Brandon ever has to choose to live with you or Thomas,I hope he chooses Thomas over you.and to answer you question No I'm not living with you your fucking crazy mom.skylyn do you really want to live like this with mom.said Jade.I never wanted to be famous mom I wanted to be a director not some stupid actress.whats next am i gonna date one of these rich boys cause that's never gonna happen.said Skylyn. Good bye mom.said Jade.shane follows you out.Jade odors a mc chicken and Shane oders 20 piece chicken nugget,and two sweet teas. Carter sees Jade in the restraunt with Shane. Carter storms in and punches Shane in the staomach and says you know I liked her why are you dating her you jack ass?!?you know I liked her and I knew you wouldn't grow a pair to ask her out so I did.said Shane.Jade jumps in and separates them.carter accidentally slugged Jade and since carter was wearing brass knuckles it pierced Jade's arm and she fell to the floor.shane ripped a price of his old jacket and rapped it around the wounds.he walked Jade home and cover the bandage with her hoodie to keep him from getting in trouble with Thomas.

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