When Dreams and Reality Meet (BoyxBoy)

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Hey guys!

So, I couldn't wait to post this so I decided I would tonight. :-)

The main characters are Jonah and Owen.

Here's the summary...

Owen Young is the student body president of Ford High School, always looking at looking at the realistic parts of life, never having a dream of his own after his father crushed them at a young age. He has always tried to follow in his father's footsteps, leading for some of the important parts of his life to be missed do to the lack of desire for fun in his life. Where as Jonah Crowe is the quiet and free spirited artist, always looking at the aspects of life so that they are malleable in his own hands. When Owen starts to have feelings for Jonah, he being the school's out in the open bisexual where as Owen as never dated anyone, will he begin to live his own life for once?

Warning: This is a boyxboy for any homophobes. No hateful or rude comments. I will report.

Vote, comment, and fan please! :-)

(To the side is Jonah. :-) )




Life is suppose to be realistic, nothing keeps dreams alive long.

Or that's what I was told when I was a mere 5 years old.

I was playing in the yard with toys, singing quietly along with Journey song that drifted into our backyard from the radio my mother had playing on the porch.

"Don't stop believin', hold on to that feeling..." I mumbled along with my high voice. 

"Owen! Come inside and start reading!" Yelled my father, stalking out of the house to me.

I looked up and smiled at my father. "Hey daddy. Want to play cars with me? We can sing too, if you want."

My father bellowed a laugh. "No, Owen that's a foolish thing for a grown man to do."

I felt disappointed, but hid it by flashing my father another smile. "Okay, daddy. If I read a lot, can I take singing lessons?"

My father's face grew very serious. "Why would you need singing lessons, Owen?"

"So I can work on my dream of being a rock star." I stated happily, thinking this would please my father, who had always been hungry for wealth and popularity.

My father scowled. "Owen, that is stupid. Dreams are nothing, you are not suppose to have dreams. Life is simple, you marry a woman who will cook and clean, then give you children of your own. Were as you will run the household by working as a successful business man."

"But daddy-"

"Not buts, young man! Now get inside and read!" Scolded my father in a harsh tone.

"Of course, father..." I said, then began to pick up my toys, angry as my daddy walked inside. I felt tears run down my face and threw my toy cars on the ground and crushed them beneath my foot.

"You dumb toys made daddy mad at me... I'm going to make daddy happy the rest of my life." I promised my young self, not knowing how much of my own life would sucked away with those few words.


When I first realized I loved art was at the age of 5, in art class of course. We were just finger painting, but no matter what the assignment, I was avid to it.

My small pudgy hands were stained with main colors, but I didn't mind. I dipped my index finger in my blue paint jar and began to run it along the paper, to form a shoreline. I began to add little details to my artwork, imagining the beach as if it was in front of me.

I felt the presence of my art teacher, Mrs. Brown, behind me. "Well, Jonah. That's very good." She praised.

I smiled at her. "Thank you, ma'am." I returned my gaze back to my work, wiping my dirty finger on my smock.

"Ah... Owen? Dear, why don't you try imagining a meadow and not trying to make it look so realistic?" I heard Mrs. Brown ask Owen, who was one of my classmates. I turned my attention to him, my big blue eyes settling on his beautiful body.

"I don't see why I need an imagination, my father says dreaming is a bad thing." Owen said, which stunned me. Who didn't dream?

Mrs. Brown just sighed and moved on. When clean up was over and we could talk amongst our classmates, I walked over to Owen was standing by himself.

"Hey, Owen." I said.

"Hi, Jonah."

"Who don't you dream?"

'Because my daddy says it's stupid."

"That isn't true!" I exclaimed.

"Yes it is. My daddy said so."

I could feel my face grow red with a childish frustration, so I just stormed off.

Owen Young would never unerstand.


Move on to chapter 1! :-)

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