Untitled Part 1

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I am just yet another guy

Not interested in epsilon-delta-phi;

Who doesn't really care

If the body is at rest or somewhere up in the air.

How enlightening must it be to know whether

EM waves travel in vacuum or in ether;

And how awesome must it feel

To know the engine efficiency of a Pan Am over some random hill.

Why should I have the desire to know today

Of how from magnetism did electricity bring about Faraday;

And when I am happy just viewing my television

Why should I ponder whether CRT or LED is the source of this vision.

Just give me the problem's answer, say theta

And I won't care whether the decay is gamma or beta;

Hell you can even give me the speed of light and I would be happy

Not knowing whether the medium is gas liquid or something sappy.

But I must know, I must care

I must understand things fair and square;

B'coz I am a


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