Chapter 9: Kin of the Heart

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You guys are awesome. I know I say that a lot, but know I mean every word. I am amazed by the fact that you guys support this story. I really am at a loss for words here, which is quite rare. Just know that you guys are the best, and you taking the time to read even a small portion of my story is amazing.  So now for my promise. Like I said I would, here is a clue as to something that happens later.

  "They will never leave you." Jellal started crying silently. "Please. Let me carry my burdens."  

So for now, I leave you with that to ponder.

As always,



I woke up, which is strange, since I didn't go to sleep. I was met by a wave of pain. I grimaced. What the hell happened? I thought, trying to open my eyes and move, but finding that my body wouldn't respond. Great, now what?

"He's awake." A voice came from above me. It was a woman's voice, and was strangely musical.

"Really?" It's that girl again. "That's great! I was so worried!" Suddenly, I felt a hand on my forehead. "Don't worry," the girl said. "Everything will be fine. Silence of the stars!" It yelled, and everything went black.

I woke up some time time later, albeit without the pain, just a strange pressure, like I was underwater. This time, my eyes opened, and I stared at the marble ceiling above my head. I looked around the room, noting how well furnished it was. I then sat up on the bed I was on. "Where am I?" I asked. The words barely left my mouth before the girl from earlier opened the door. Her eyes widened, and she rushed to me, wrapping me in a hug. It was strangely comforting. She was crying what seemed to be tears of joy.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" She burbled. I laughed.

What's with the waterworks?" She looked up at me, still hugging me.

"I need to ask you... what is your name?" she asked. I guess since she saved me, there's no harm in telling.

"My name is Will.'


It really is him! I started crying even harder than before. I remembered...

"Mama look!" I said, holding out the flowers I had picked for her. She smiled.

"They're beautiful." she said, taking them. I beamed. suddenly my father entered the room, looking despaired. He quickly turned to me.

"Lucy, go play outside for a minute, ok."

"Ok!" I said, running out. I went and asked the maid if she had seen my brother, and she shook her head. I went back to ask mother where he was, but stopped when I heard crying. My father was holding Mama, who was sobbing into my father's arms.

"O-o-ohh, Will!" I heard her cry.

They later told me Will, my baby brother, had drowned in a river, But I never truly believed them. I always had hoped that he was alive, and now I had found him!

I looked up at my brother, and was so happy. I saw the shock in his face that I was crying harder. I started laughing. Of course he wouldn't recognize me! I thought. I looked back to him.

"H-H-hello W-will." I stammered. "I'm your sister."


I looked down at her in shock.

"B-B-big sister Lucy?" I was starting to tear up. She nodded. Now I understand! I thought. That's why she's crying. we stayed like that for what felt like forever, until Lucy stopped crying and let go of me.

"I'm so happy you're alive." She smiled. "I always thought that were still alive somewhere." I smiled back.

"I didn't do it by myself." I said. "I was actually saved by a dragon!" I expected her to be shocked, but she just nodded.

"Which one?" was all she asked.

"Her name is Hoseki." I was a bit taken aback. Everyone else I had told about Hoseki were astounded, but she seemed like she didn't care.

"The gem dragon." She said grinning. How did she know? "Follow me." she continued, moving to the door. She lead me into a large hall. Here, there were dozens of people, all dressed well. I felt awkward, noticing how damaged my clothes were. Lucy lead me over to a short woman in a green dress with silver hair.

"Hosenki, I believe you've met my brother Will before."


I smiled, as the pair looked shocked. THey quickly started hugging. I left then, letting them catch up with each other. I went, instead, to see a tall, dark haired man in a suit.

"Hello, Igneel." I said to him. He smiled, and looked at me.

"Hello Lucy," He said. "Back so soon? I thought you went back to Fiore?"

"Things got... complicated." I told him. " I can't stay long. The guild will be worried."

"Well then, send my regards to Natsu, will you? after this all is over, us dragons can return as well." I nodded. I talked with the other dragons as well, simply saying hello. I was speaking with Sunny, the dragon of light, when Will found me again.

"There you are!" I exclaimed. "We should be heading back to Fiore now." He nodded. So I said my goodbyes and teleported us back to Fiore.

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