Chapter 13: Breaching the Stronghold

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*Risk's POV*

"There, I can see it now! That's the forest where the Guild is situated!" Rayquaza, hearing me, surveyed the area for a safe place to land, as I mused,

Gengar really did fortify the Guild as much as Blade said it did- it looks just like one of those old medieval castles I used to read about!

"There, I've located a small clearing to land, far enough away from any Pokemon to give you guys at least a few minutes before an attack. Are you prepared?"

"We have no other options now... It's do-or-die time!" Blade tried to complement our courage as Rayquaza landed near the outskirts of the forest.

"Good luck, I wish your exploration to be successful," The Pokemon bid us farewell and flew off, leaving us staring at the purple-tainted labyrinth surrounding the Guild. I started pulling apart a few branches to create a makeshift entrance and leading the team towards it, until Blade stopped me,

"Risk, wait," he said calmly.

"There's something I need to do, that I've forgotten to do for a long time..." I was uncertain of what the Absol was doing, until he removed his bandage around his last acid-wound,

"Riku... Welcome to the team!" He walked closer to the Shaymin, until he was in arm's' reach, and he finally asked Riku to heal his wound.

"You mean it?" The Shaymin's eyes glowed, enthusiastic about finally being a part of Team Crusaders. However, as he was about to touch Blade's wound, I saw a small glint of malice in Riku's smile, and I shouted,

"Stop!" as I tackled Blade, pushing him away from the Shaymin.

"Risk?..." Riku asked me,

"Why'd you do that..." His voice was cut off by a familiar cackle, followed by a furious Pokemon exiting Riku's body,

"You little miscreant of a Riolu! I was so close to finally killing Blade, and you robbed me of my chance!..."

"Mismagius... Why, you... You monster!" Blade, displeased at the witch's third attempt on his life, leapt, angrily, at the Ghost and jammed his horn straight through her crooked heart...

Gently removing his bloodsoaked horn, Blade stepped back, as Mismagius gasped for air, a demented smile on her face,

"He... He... He... For my last spell, I... I shall make your friend disappear!" As she said this, Mismagius enveloped the area in a bright light, blinding all of us, and I heard a cry for help from Riku, and Mismagius cackled and disappeared, the light vanishing with her...

I opened my eyes again, to see that the witch was, in fact, serious- Riku had disappeared, and I couldn't even sense his Aura. Desperately, I pushed past the rest of the team, and dashed into the forest, shouting Riku's name as I went...

*Corrupted Forest, 1F*

This area... It's like someone just painted the entire forest a ghastly purple color! I thought, as I sprinted through the various pieces of dead flora. Then, I looked up, and I saw Gengar's ugly smile glisten in the moonlight. Jumping back in alarm, I readied myself for battle, until the object I saw, moved, and the "Gengar" became an ordinary Pidgey.

So this is how you're going to mess with me? Hallucinations? You're going to have to do better than tha... My thoughts were interrupted by a call from behind me.

"Risk!? Help me!"


I dashed towards the sound... and straight into an empty room. I looked around, trying to place the exact location of the plea for help, until I heard it again, a few feet to my left,

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