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A l e c's u n f o r t u n a t e l i f e

Two people sat subtly in a small room surrounded by beige walls and the amenities anyone would find in a normal living room. The female who sat on the right of the square table had a very confused look on her face while intensely glaring at the black pieces on the checkered board before her-decipher her next move. While on otherside the young male who sat on the left wore the most smug face ever has he stared at the confused face of the woman.

The woman moved her hand hesitantly and picked up the king, she then reluctantly moved it according to its passage across the board only capturing one of the black pieces of the young male staring at her. After finishing her move the young man immediately smirk as he swiftly moved his hand-picking up one of his pieces-and moving it fluidly across the board in a fast motion capturing all the white pieces of the lady which made her groaned outwardly.

"Check mate I win!" He shouted.

"Ugh this is unfair!" She folded her arms."Alec you cheated!" The woman exclaimed.

"Nope that's not what you call cheating dear Ingrid, that's what you call M.T.P, he said entwining his fingers and resting his chin on it with a smirk plastered face.

"Eh," she raised a brow with a confused look, "what's M.T.P. Alec."

He chuckled lightly, "of course you wouldn't know the abbreviation cause I'm the one who made it sweetheart, M.T.P for Master Tactical Prowress," he said enunciating the last 3 words with a British accent lacing his voice.

She let out a low breath, "look I don't want know anything about your crazy tactics Alec I'm asking how you won the game with only 6 pieces which do not include the queen, the king nor the xyz.........

👑 Old version 👑

"Ingrid Ingrid oh stupid Ingrid why can't you ever learn that you can never beat the master," he smirked at her with lazy eyes.

She suddenly took her gloves off and slap him across the face.

"Oww," he said rubbing his cheek.

"Say that again," she demanded.

He thought for a moment and jokingly said, " your stupid?"

She slapped him again.

"Your not my mother," he exclaimed angrily.

She slapped him again.

"What's wrong with you woman," he shouted at her.

"Umm, sorry just got lost in the moment of revenge," she scoffed putting her gloves on.

"Now say it again properly and no insults this time," she demanded.

"Fine......Ahem," he started with a dull tone, "Ingrid oh Ingrid why can't you learn that you shall never beat me....... "

He perked up his tone "because I'm better than you!" He made a wise crack, "hah now you can't slap this cause you know it's true," he laughed pointing at his red cheek.

The Twisted Tales of Alec Liddell [ Rewritten ]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ