Spain x Reader Fluff The Karaoke Queen

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Song: Adore
Sung by: Jasmine Thompson
In this story, you are at the karaoke club with the BTT and the FACE family. Gilbert has challenged you to an "Awesome" singing contest.
Let's see what happens~

Third Person

'I can't believe he would actually challenge me, Queen of Karaoke, to a SINGING contest! Let's see how badly I can bruise his blown up ego~' A young (H/C) haired female thought to herself. She was at a karaoke club down town in (h/t/n) with the BTT(Gilbert, Francis, and Antonio) and the FACE family(Alfred, Arthur, and Matthew a.k.a Mattie) and was challenged to a sing-off. Her challenger: Gilbert "Awesome" Beilschmidt.

Let's just say, (Y/n) was by far the most competitive female in the entire world. When it comes to challenges, she's all for it.

Let the games begin~

(Y/n)'s POV

"If your so awesome, you can go first." My smirk turned into a mischievous grin. "Unless your scared?~"  I found his expression hilarious! I couldn't stop my small giggles as he looked at me with a light blush on his annoyed face. "Zhe Awesome Gilbert is never scared! Vhy do you think I'm so awesome for? I'll show you mein awesomeness!"

I watched, amused, as he got up to the small stage in our large room and selected a song. It was one of his all time favorites: Thrift Shop.
Why and how does he always find at least some way to make me facepalm?

After he was done with his 'amazing' performance (note ALL of this sarcasm), it was my turn. Time for the real star to shine~ I walked up, more like strut, to the small elevated stage and chose my song. I decided to go with something that will leave the boys mesmerized. My favorite pastime song: Adore by Jasmine Thompson.

Come to me and I shall give you peace
Come to me lay down your head
Touch the rain and feel the summer breeze
Say the things we've never said
I will keep you from the world outside
I will never let you go
I will be the thing you dream about
Come to me and you will know

My eyes met with the sun kissed Spaniard before I sang the next verse. His eyes were wide and an incredulous look was plastered on his features. I smirked and sang, swinging my hips slowly to the beat.

I adored you before I laid my eyes I laid my eyes on you
l'amour toujours I just can't take my eyes can't take my eyes off you

By now, everyone in the room was staring at me, jaws agape and aloof smiles tugging on their lips. I wonder what they were thinking about... When I looked over at Antonio, I saw that his gaze never left my body for a split second. It's as though he were concentrating on something.

Follow me to where the rivers meet
Tell me I belong to you
Feel the grass crumble beneath your feet
Set me free and let me loose
Take my heart for it is yours to keep
Shackle my spirit to you
You are mine and mine eternally
Come to me you always knew

I found it quite hilarious how even Alfred's jaw had dropped, along with his soon-to-be-eaten burger. I fidgeted a little when I found Antonio still staring straight at me. I decided to let my changing accent (I have one too, it changes depending on what language I speak) take control, putting a little more emphasis on the French lyrics.

I adored you before I laid my eyes I laid my eyes on you
l'amour toujours I just can't take my eyes can't take my eyes off you
I adored you before I laid my eyes I laid my eyes on you
l'amour toujours I just can't take my eyes can't take my eyes off you
I adored you before I laid my eyes I laid my eyes on you
l'amour toujours I just can't take my eyes can't take my eyes off you
I adored you before I laid my eyes I laid my eyes on you
l'amour toujours I just can't take my eyes can't take my eyes off you

When I was done, I smirked towards the "Awesome" Prussian and waited for at least one of them to move.

Spain's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes, as (Y/n) strut up to the stage, her hips were swinging from side to side in a mesmerizing pattern. When she chose the song, I recognized it immediately. She always sang this song when we were both bored out of our minds.


She looked so happy when she sang that song. I couldn't stop staring. Her French was fluid and intoxicating and her movements were hypnotic. When she finished, she turned to Gilbert and smirked. I found myself frozen and speechless because not even I could witness that look of superiority and act unaffected. The first one to move was Francis.

"Ohohohon~ I believe zhat you've been beat Gilbert. Ma Cherie is truly a queen of voice."he said with a chuckle, moving his arms with every word. I sent him a small glare. For what reason? I had no idea. Gilbert suddenly turned his head towards Francis and they began arguing. I walked up towards her and smiled.

"Señorita that was amazing! Why didn't you tell me you could sing like that?" I was truly amazed by her voice. She smiled, her cheeks turning slightly pink. I always found her adorable and small. 'I guess that's why I love her so much.'

When refocused on (Y/n), her expression was that of surprise and embarrassment. "Y-you what?" My eyes widened as I realized what she was talking about.

"I said that out loud, didn't I?" I tried willing my blush to go away but to no avail. The small female shifted her weight on her legs before walking closer, leaning close to my ear.

I felt the heat of her breath lightly tickle the edge of my ear, sending excited shivers down my spine. I gasped from the words that left her lips. "Well I guess the feelings are mutual, mi amore~"

As she walked away to sit among the others, the quirky Spanish man was left with his jaw left on the ground. Once he snapped out of it, he ran over to sit with her, a big goofy grin consuming his face.

'I guess I got my prize'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2016 ⏰

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