Chapter 1: Just Another Day

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"WAKE UP MS.HAYLE!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ms.Gold screamed. The whole class got quiet and everyone turned to look at me, "Chrissy you need to stop daydreaming in my class and start focusing on your work, now tell me what is the answer to problem 7?"

I kinda struggled at first but i wasn't gonna let Ms.Gold punk me in front of the whole class so I told her the answer.

"4x over 4 equals 1." I said. She looked kind of surprised. I always felt hated by Ms.Gold, it's like ever since the school year started, she's been on my case. I mean yea I fall asleep in class or doze off into daydreams sometimes but the way she teaches is just plain BORING. Also, in this class you got kids texting, throwing papers around the room, hitting each other in the back of the head, and listening to music with their ear buds but yet I get yelled at for daydreaming.

As much as I try to hate Ms.Gold, I just can't because somehow I feel this kind of connection between us. She was about to yell at me some more but too bad the bell rang. The whole class bum rushed out the room. I finally stepped into the hallway and I hear my name being shouted out from a distance, I turned around and seen that it was my best friend Amanda. She started to rush towards me with books in her hands and right when she was about to reach me, this girl Scarlett gon' pull her leg out and try to trip Amanda.

"Amanda watch out!!!" I yelled but it was too late, she had already fallen. Almost everyone in the halls was laughing at Amanda.

"Ow!!" Amanda shouted.

"You should watch where you're going next time." Scarlett said while giggling with her friends.

I helped Amanda get up with her books and asked if she was okay and she nodded a yes.

"Why would you trip her?" I asked Scarlett. The laughter in the hallway slowly started to die down as everyone turned their attention to us.

"Cause I felt like it, do you have a problem?" Scarlett said.

"Yes I do." I said.

"And what are you gonna about it, tell your dad oh wait you can't cause he's DEAD." Scarlett said. Everyone's face was in shock of what she had just said cause they know the situation about what happened with my dad. At that point I didn't know what to do cause I was choking on words to say and had tears swelling up in my eyes, I could've beat her ass right there or just walk away. I decided that it wasn't worth it to fight a bitch at 10:25 in the morning, so I just turned away and went to my next period class with Amanda following behind me.

Tears were falling and I was wiping them away while Amanda was rubbing my back. Since we had the same class next period, we walked the halls together. We heard someone running behind us , then we turned around to see that it was our friend Zoe.

"Hey guys, Mandy you okay? I seen that fall you made and Chrissy I'm sorry about what Scarlett said, we all know she's the biggest bitch in the whole school." Zoe said.

"Yea I'm okay but I got something to tell you guys." Amanda said as she pulled us into a corner.

"What you got to tell us?' I said.

"Okay so you know how I told you guys that me and Craig have been talking more and more lately," She said

"Yea." Me and Zoe said together.

"Well last night me and Craig were talking and he finally told me that he liked me and I said that I liked him back and then he asked me out and now we're together!!" Amanda said excitedly. I was happy for Amanda cause this was the happiest I seen her ever since her parents got a divorce. I went and hugged her tight and Zoe did the same.

>>>>>>>>FAST FORWARDING TO LUNCH<<<<<<<<<<<<

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