worried to happy

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Vinny has been sick for a week now Devin took him to the doctors this is when he found out he was a week pregnant he was scared to tell Devin will he leave or stay..

(Vinny's POV)
I'm scared will Devin leave me or stay I'm so I don't even know I haven't even told him as I lay in bed waiting for Devin to come home with ice cream and cookies (weird cravings) I decided to play a game on my phone until I felt Devin's arms wrap around my waist I need to tell him breath Vinny.

Vinny has been sick for a week I feel so terrible about it he has me worried I'm asking "Vinny babe are you okay?" I looked down at him only because I'm like three inches taller.
Vinny looks at me "impregnat" I say quickly Devin "Slower calm down ok" Vinny "I'm pregnant"

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