Chapter 3

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"You look beautiful." Jack said smiling at me

I smiled "It's just a simple dress."

He kisses my cheek "And you look beautiful in it."

I blushed "Well thank you."

He held out his hand "Come on."

I took it and he lead me down a corridor. We ended up at a little party some passengers where having below deck. I surprised Jack when I got a drink and downed it in one go. Then we were dancing and laughing and having an amazing time.

"Let's get out of here." I said laughing

He smiled and took my hand "Let's go."

We left and headed towards the top deck. Laughing as we ended up getting chased by two guards.

"In here!" I said pulling Jack down to the boiler room

Running past all the workers who yelled at us or whistled at me, we made it out and quickly went into another room making sure we weren't followed.

Looking around, I noticed we were in the cargo bay.

"Looks like we found some stuff." I chuckled

Jack laughed and looked around. Suddenly looking at me with a devious look he took my hand and lead me towards a car.

"M'lady." He said smiling opening the door

I smiled "Thank you kind sir." I said getting in the back

He nodded and acted like he tipped a hat before climbing in the driver seat.

"Where to miss?" He asked joking around

I leant forward and wrapped my arms around him

"Back here." I said and pulled him to the back

Instantly capturing my lips with his the moment he was on top of me. Soon the kiss became heated and he pulled back looking into my eyes.

"Are you sure?" He asked brushing hair from my face

The look in his eyes is one that said 'I'll wait for eternity for you to be ready'.

I smiled and cupped his cheek "You've already seen me naked Mr. Dawson." I said causing him to smile "Besides, I'm in love with you and I'd rather do this with you than anyone else."

His smile widened and he kissed me. Things heated up once more but this time he didn't pull away and neither did I. In that moment I gave all of me to Jack. Heart, body and soul.

When we finally left the cargo bay we made our way to the deck. I was smiling at laughing at what Jack had said as we walked out.

"Can I ask you a serious question?" Jack asked looking at me

"Of course." I said

He looked a little nervous but took a deep breath "Will you marry me?"

My eyes widened. Marry him? Could I marry him? Well it is my choice, I can do what I want. Do I want to marry him?

"Angel?" Jack said nervously "Can you please say something. I'm freaking out here."

I smiled "Yes!"

He smiled "You'll marry me?"

I nodded and giggled "Yes I'll marry you!"

He grinned and kissed me and twirled me around.

"Evangeline Dawson. Mrs Dawson." Jack smiled "I love the way it sounds."

"Me too." I grinned

Jack held my hand as we stopped in the middle of the deck. I knew that the guards in the tower were probably watching us but I didn't care. I was with my fiance! We stumbled as the ship hit something and a small but decent sized block of ice slid across the deck. Jack had a hold of me making sure I didn't fall as we looked at it then at each other.

"Are we...." I trailed off not knowing exactly what to say

"We're fine." Jack said looking me in the eye "We'll be fine Angel. I promise."

I nodded "Okay." I smiled "We should get inside."

Twenty minutes later and the entire ship was in chaos. I was forced back to my room with my mother and sister and of course Cal. As for Jack... My sweet Jack, he was arrested! Cal is behind it all, I know it!

"I told you to stop seeing that boy!" Mother yelled

"And I told you I would see him as I please!" I yelled back

She simply glared "Grab what you can, we must hurry to the boats."

"I am not leaving without Jack!" I exclaimed as Cal pulled Rose and I out of the room

"You will leave him behind!" Both Cal and mother said

"Besides, you will forget him when we get back home." Mother said

"I will marry him." I said causing them to stop walking

Cal laughed "You marry that... That man!" He laughed "That's ridiculous!"

Mother looked at me, "You are to be married to Mr. Harris when we get back home and forget all about this Jack Dawson."

I pulled my arm from Cal's grasp, "I am not marrying Mr. Harris mother. I am marrying Jack!" I held up my hand where Jack had placed a small ring on my finger "He proposed and I accepted."

"You will do no such thing!" Mother exclaimed and continue walking with Cal pulling Rose and I along

I looked at Rose and she gave me a small smile taking my hand in hers. I gave a small smile, pulled my arm free from Cal and took off in the opposite direction with them calling after me. I made it to the elevator and asked the guy to take me down but he wouldn't so I kicked him out.

When I reached the floor they were holding Jack, I stepped out into freezing cold water.

"Jack!" I yelled as I slowly made my way down the hall "Jack!"

"In here!" He yelled "I'm in here!"

I quickly got to the room he was in and found him cuffed to a pipe.

"Jack!" I smiled and made my way to him kissing him

"What are you doing?" He asked looking at me "You're supposed to be on the boats!"

"I couldn't leave without you!" I said touching his face and hair happy to have him back with me "I couldn't leave the man I am supposed to marry and have a family with."

He smiled and kissed me "Find the key." He motioned to his hands "It should be in the drawer there."

I made my way to the desk and looked through it for the key to the handcuffs. There wasn't one in there. Next I looked in the key shelf on the wall. After trying several keys, Jack had me go find some help or something to get him out of there. I came back a little while later with an ax and freezing cold after having to go under water to find it.

"Do you know how to use it?" Jack asked with a little hint of fear in his voice

"It can't be that hard." I said

"Try it on the desk." He said and I did

After a few practice swings, I swung the ax at the chains on the cuffs. Both Jack and I closed our eyes when I took the swing. Probably not smart but oh well. It got the job done.

"Come on." Jack said taking my hand and leading me out of the room

We had to make detours because certain places were either submerged under water or almost submerged. We heard a child's cry down the hall so we made our way towards the sound. There standing near the end of the hall was a small boy crying for his father and the double doors that were locked shut looked ready to burst with the added pressure of the water.

"We can't leave him." I said to Jack

He nodded and picked up the boy and we made our way down the hall to find our way back to the top deck. The father suddenly came from somewhere, said something to Jack that I'm pretty sure was something along the lines of cussing him out, took his son and went towards the double doors.

"Sir!" I called "I wouldn't go that way!"

"Hey!" Jack called

It was too late. The doors burst open and the water came rushing down the hall towards us. Jack took my hand and we ran trying to out run it but we got swept up in it. As we were swept along the hall trying to stay above water, Jack pulled me with him as he grabbed a hold of an open door way.

Everything after was a blur... I remember running into Jack's friends, breaking down a gate and then making it to the deck.

We had reached the top deck and it was crazy. People were trying to get on the life boats and the guards weren't filling them to their capacity before lowering them down to the water.

"Women and children first!" A guard shouted as we passed

"We need to find a boat." Jack said to me but my mind was on looking for Rose

Everything happened in a blur, one moment we were talking with a guard and the next Jack's friend is lying in his own blood and the guard shot his self.

"We have to get to the other side." I said looking at Jack "Knowing my mother, she has a boat waiting over there. We must hurry."

We quickly, well as quick as we could, made our way towards the other side of the boat.

"Evangeline!" Rose's voice came from my right and I quickly pulled Jack along "Oh thank god you're alright!" Rose exclaimed pulling me into a hug then she pulled Jack into a hug "We have a life boat waiting for us. Mr. Andrews pulled some strings so we must hurry."

Mother and Cal just gave a small nod to Jack and myself before leading on

"Here we are." Cal said ushering us along "Come quickly."

We came to a stop at a life boat where the rich ladies we sat with at dinner the other night, were already in the boat. Cal helped mother in then Rose.

"Come on Evangeline." Cal said motioning me to get in the life boat

I looked at Jack and he looked at me.

"I'll be on the next one." He said holding my hand tightly "I'm sure Cal here has a boat waiting for us."

Cal nodded "Yes, that's right. So once we know you are safely in the boat with your mother and sister, we'll head to ours and we'll meet up again."

"Promise me Jack." I whispered looking at him "Promise me we'll meet up. Promise me we'll have our wedding day."

He cupped my face "I promise." He whispered "Now get in the boat." He quickly kissed me and then helped me into the life boat

As the boat started to lower down, I looked up at Jack.

"Evangeline..." Rose whispered like she knew what I was thinking

I looked at her, "If he goes down with the boat, I go down with him Rose." I squeezed her hand

"Don't do it." She begged "Please."

"I love him Rose." I said before quickly standing up and jumping from the boat and landing somewhat on the overlook edge

Some bystanders helped me over and then I was running back to Jack. How could I leave him? I knew he was lying just to get me to go. I never believe a thing coming from Cal so it was easy to know he was lying as well.

"Jack!" I yelled as I saw him running down the stair case to me

"You're so stupid Angel!" He said pulling me to him and kissing me "You're so stupid!"

I looked at him "I already told you, I am not leaving you behind."

A gun shot rang out and the statue on the handrail shattered. Looking up there was Cal holding a small gun and pointing it at us. Jack pulled me along as we ran and Cal shot at us. When we managed to get away, we had to make it back to the top deck to figure out how to get out of here.

We felt the boat start to tip and lift in the air as we made our way around the deck.

"Come on!" Jack called leading me to the stern of the ship. "Hang on tight." Jack said standing behind me as we held onto the railing.

I gave a small laugh

"What?" Jack asked

"This is where we met." I said looking at him

He chuckled then got serious "Climb over." He said


"Climb over."

I climbed over and he followed. Jack made sure I was holding on tight and he even made sure he had his arm around me while he held onto the railing. The ship slowly started to stand straight up in the air and slowly started going down.

"On three, take a deep breath." Jack said "One." I looked at the rushing freezing water down below. "Two." It was coming closer and closer. And then it was right there "Three."

I took a deep breath and then I was submerged under the freezing ocean water.

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