Chapter 4

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I opened my eyes to see a white ceiling. Was I in a hospital? Thoughts went through my head until I realize that there was a set of arms around my chest. Oh that's right, I'm still at my stalkers house... wow, that's sounds like I was kidnapped. I gently unwrapped the his arms and got up. I was going to... well looking, for his bathroom, but on my way there I stumbled across his wallet. I'm not going to steal from him! calm down. I'm just looking for his ID or something that says this guys fucking name. I opened it but of course as I do this he decides to walk in. Yeah, I know only me. "W-what are you doing?" The nameless boys sleepy voice asked. "Ok... this is awkward.. uh.. ok so let me explain myself." I looked at the ground, trying to make this less awkward but I'm just making the situation worse. "I have no idea what your name is, and I feel really awkward because I just slept with you." I felt my cheeks heat up after I said this. "I mean... I fell asleep with you." I said feeling even more awkward. Why do I do these things to myself?! I just want to hide now. over my freaking out I realized that he was laughing. WFT! did I just say WTF? "I was wondering when you were finally going to ask." he said laughing a little still. I just kinda awkwardly stood there watching him laugh at me making me feel more awkward.
"J-Josh my names Josh." he said, ending his fit of laughter. still awkwardly standing there I smiled. He walked across the room to a pure white door (which I assume is the bathroom). As he went in I decided that I should probably leave now. I grabbed a convenient purple note pad and pen.

There's something I forgot I have to do today :/ sorry bye. (626) 823-5092 ;)

I wrote in my best (which sucks) handwriting, and stuck it on his laptop sitting on his dark brown coffee table. After getting lost in his apartment hallways for five minutes I finally got outside, only to realize that we walked here and I have to walk home. Great.

I felt buzzing in my back pocket almost half way home.

"Hello?" I picked up the phone.

"Oh my GOD! HEY! it's so good to hear your voice again!" I herd a familiar sounding girl on the other line.

"Uh.. who is this?" I asked awkwardly, as if I didn't just go through enough of that.

"It's Jasmine dumb ass" the girl giggled. I realized who it was surprisingly not by the name but her little laugh. It's my (only) girlfriend from high school. I mean... she's really sweet and shit but.. I don't really like her like that anymore, or even liked her at all. She was more of a girl that is my friend.

"Oh... jasmine......... hey." After the words left my mouth I high fives myself in the face. Why am I so awkward?!

"Do you remember me?" Her high voice changed to a more low serious tone.

"Yeah, of course I do." I tried to say with excitement.

"Oh ok, I've missed you Login!" she said, her high, happy voice returning.


"Ok so I know this is out of no where but I'm coming back home, and I was wondering if you could pick me up from the airport? She asked quickly. I could almost feel the pleading in her voice, and I couldn't reject her.

"Sure." I dreadfully said, answering her question.

She replied with a squeal. "Ok I'll see you at 2:00" she said then hung up.


I walked home and flopped on the bed falling asleep. It's 11:00 and I have to pick her up at 2:00. Fun.


I updated.

But it sucks.

Sorry bout it.


Love chu!

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