Chapter 8: Meet The New Boss

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Breen couldn't believe his luck. The Millenium Falcon was a treasure trove of high end hardware. And these YT-1300 freighters were so common that their parts sold like hot-cakes. He just needed to strip as many of the easiest-to-obtain parts as possible before the Empire arrived. Then collect the giant reward for handing the Falcon over to them. Maybe Solo passed his lucky streak on to Breen..?  The thought made him chuckle.

He only chuckled for about two seconds before Chewbacca grabbed the back of his neck. Breen had just removed the shield booster access hatch from the Falcon's decking and released the first coupler when he was seized by paralyzing agony. There was no sound; the Wookiee was unimpeachably stealthy. Or maybe Breen was just distracted by how many credits he was looking at making.

Chewbacca slammed Breen onto the deck and stomped one huge foot onto the thief's chest. The giant Wookie crouched and - leaning close to Breen's face - growled long, low, and inhumanly.

Breen had never been more terrified in his life. He'd just suffered broken ribs, a concussion, and had the wind knocked out of him - all in short order. However, none of that crossed his mind as the snarling, seven-foot beast glared savagely into his eyes.

What is he waiting for?! Why doesn't he kill me already!? Breen's thoughts whirled like turbo-aerials.

"Rawrargh!" Chewie roared so brutally loud in his face that Breen blacked-out.

Chewbacca continued to growl at and sniff his victim until satisfied that he was unconscious. He then kicked Breen, sending him through a limp barrel roll before coming to rest beneath the tech station bench. The angry Wookie barred his teeth and growled at the comatose interloper before inspecting the damage he'd caused.

While Chewie checked the booster connections and replaced the access hatch he recalled Han's mention of taking a break and relaxing. So why was he guarding the ship while Han played cards and drank? 

As Chewie considered what to do with Breen (tearing him limb from limb was high on the list) he was alerted by the clatter of Stormtrooper boots running up the gang plank. He roared and unslung his bowcaster; wielding it at the ready. 

Stormtroopers flooded into the Tech Bay area. Chewbacca fired a couple bolts, killing two troopers. He dove for cover behind the bench where Breen lay. But it was useless: troopers continued to poor in. 

Chewie jumped to his feet and howled in defiance. 

Several troopers blasted him at once.

"Your skill is wasted in the military, my friend. With luck like yours, you could earn a decent living playing cards," Grey-hair rattled with no attempt to mask his passive-aggressive tone.

He had steadily lost money since Han joined the game. The rest of the players at the Sabacc table were similarly irritated at their losses and frowned sulkily. Half of them had folded, refusing to lose any more credits to this insufferable military whelp. Funny how they didn't mind losing big to any of their rich, corporate buddies, Han thought.

"Sabacc is just a hobby," Han stated indifferently. "Something to do when I'm on leave."

Grey-hair's vexation swelled at hearing this. His face looked very red beneath the white of all those whiskers.

"I fold! This game is a farce!"

"Hey! Easy does it," Han offered innocently. "We're all here to relax and play cards. I'm just on a lucky streak is all."

"If you're any indication of the Empire's policy of taking from the industrialist to line its coffers, the future of the galaxy is indeed a sorry one, sir," Grey-hair spat; he had concealed his anger up until now. But no longer.

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