Planet 2 (Romantic, Sci-Fi)

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A/N: WELCOME ONE AND ALL, to my first clinched Novel Prompt expansion~

Please feel free to leave comments of any sort, maybe answering some questions that I have at the end.

You'll find the Novel cover to the right, along with the song I was listening to while creating it- I also enjoy it, a lot. Freaking great Australian rap- don't be so apprehensive and just try it. ;)

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I had a few different options while naming this story, and it came sporadically while at work where I scribbled it messily onto the back of a sticker sheet for my company's logo originally.

Title: Planet 2

The ones I picked through were names like: Day 210, Subject 10, System Time, Planet 2. I gave each one a few stars based on which I liked and got my verdict.

TADA, surprise.

Now for the good stuff.

It first started out as a few scribbles about a "blogger living on Mars, uses a Mars NASA website &,blog. Tells story while there." yada, yada, yada. Simple paraphrasing and jotted notes. I was thinking about the expedition to send people to Mars to start a colony there after 7 years of NASA training and thought, wouldn't it be cool if a young man, age 22 - 27years, who had nothing left to his life, went up and blogged/vlogged about it. From the station on Mars. Where he'd be living. (btw, the wifi reception up there would be brilliant. <-- Jokes because it actually takes 2 years to get to Mars, lol.)

Then I thought, yeah okay. That'd be cool. But would it be worth a story?

So I dug deeper.

The colony they want to start on Mars is only a 1-way pass up there, so no one can leave (Probably not true, only for the general public who could sign up but wouldn't be able to go up and back to earth a bunch of times.) They need supply’s somehow.

Then I imagined the space station that they live in, about 500 people at most, more or less. And the character I named, Mikael (usually prefers Mike), and he would refer to the building as tacky, white walled and modern- curved and with odd lights to capture the authentic other worldly feel of his room and the whole bloody building. But he was quite fond of,their,idea of creating an inside playground and backyards that everyone's "houses"(really only 1 floored rooms and a kitchen, bathroom, and drawing room, depending on the family size) were surrounded by, both protected by a dome that sealed in the oxygen and cleared carbon like on the inside to help keep the fake grass they laid out from dying completely, it also had a protected UV Ray thing that kept the immense heat of the sun reflective and kept it at a nice temperature since the sun was closer to Mars than it is Earth. Had a few trees brought up as well and had them connected to their plant system called, "LIFE" to keep it watered, along with a few flower beds and other pieces of nature they could scavenge. Each back door of their sitting rooms would have a little gate around a small patch of land that they could exit to extend onto a larger field that looped around the building and connected everyone, which means it was bloody large and the outsides on Earth was replicated above protected flooring's and fake dips of hills, even a few pools littered some areas- though the wealthier participant's with a higher social status on earth lived on the other side of the station- so Mike never really saw those out his bedroom window.

Other than that, the Mars housing facilities and Earth housing, was the same. Though, it came without the need for money. Nobody paid taxes or rent, mortgages. Nobody paid anything anymore. There was nothing to buy, nothing to spend it on. Clothes and foods were distributed fairly and came with lists that you could order if you needed certain ingredients to cook with or wanted a certain book to read- there was also a cafeteria which the people who didn't cook could go and eat. The only thing besides for money and power that on Earth described high society, this time it was in what you were educated in. Doctors, engineers, teachers and such were considerable high in society at the Mars station and usually had higher benefits that didn't shift the pretense on the station enough to bother anyone- and it shouldn't. The few people with talent were looked upon for knowledge that they could no longer require freely like on Earth, unless a person decided to study by using only reference books. Doctors helped the injured and had on calls shifts that balanced their benefits and the engineers kept the station running, plumbers fixed the pipes, teachers taught the younger generation of children that were brought along with their parents through monthly status updates from the school board, etcetera and so forth. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2013 ⏰

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