Cross-Country Outing

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"So, what if you brought me to Manhattan this weekend?" Jason asked, chewing on his donut.

Nico looked over to him, crumbs on his cheek, face contemplative.

With a laugh, Jason reached forward with a thumb to wipe the little bit of chocolate smudged by the corner of Nico's mouth. Raising a brow at it, he shrugged and licked it off.

Nico looked at him incredulously, flushed down to his neck. His mouth hung open as he gawked at the older teen. Jason gave him an innocent look in return.

"I, uh," Nico stammered, clearing his throat to regain composure. Jason resisted a laugh.

Finally regaining his composure, Nico took a deep breath. Then, he said, "Why would you go to Manhatta—? Oh, wait. Right."

Yep, Jason couldn't come over for Thanksgiving break, which meant that he couldn't give Thalia her stuff and her Halloween candy. Or come over to New York officially. Why?

Because Beryl and Michael had plans for Thanksgiving, and Jason and Michael's kids got dragged into it.

When he heard the news, he didn't really mind any.

Michael seemed to be a nice guy. He's heard of the guy's kids and he could definitely hang out with them.

But then Beryl reminded him of it.

"Sorry you had to cancel your trip to Manhattan, honey..." Beryl apologized. "I know you wanna see Nico."

For a second, Jason considered denying that he was going to Manhattan for Nico, but then he was hit by all of it at once. He wasn't going to see Thalia, after months of waiting and working hard for it. He wasn't going to see Thalia like he'd promised her.

Jason took another bite of his donut, dusting off the crumbs that fell into his lap. He carefully ignored the overwhelming emotions that kept on coming back to him despite the announcement having been a couple of days ago already.

Nico hummed, considering the thought. "Well, shadow-travel is cheaper. But I've never done a trip that far with a mortal before."

Jason tried not to deflate in his seat. Nico still saw through his thinly-veiled disappointment though.

"I- I mean, it could be easier than carrying two demigods and a satyr!" He added hastily, trying to reassure Jason. He smiled, but it felt a bit heavy by the sides. "For all I know, it could be easier..."

"No, it's okay," Jason dismissed with a wave of his hand. "It was just a passing thought. I'll get to go there at some point. I can probably manage a few more months before I see Thal again."

Seat clattering on the floor, Nico went to stand in front of Jason. "Stand up," he said, his tone saying that he wasn't taking no for an answer.

Jason looked up at him curiously; Nico's eyes were burning with a kind of determination. That kind of look and tone directed at Jason was potent, so it wasn't really a surprise that Jason stood up immediately.

"W-what are we doing?" Jason finally asked before Nico did anything. Nico grabbed him by the forearm and pulled him towards the exit.

Jason silently followed. He wondered who would take their leftovers but shrugged it off.

"We're going to Vegas," Nico replied once they were out on the streets.

Jason faltered in his steps, stumbling when Nico pulled, "What, now?" Vegas was a long ways away from Berkeley and Jason still had his backpack on and what the fuck, they were going to Vegas.

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