X Marks the Spot

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"What do you mean my father?!" I say spining around fast enough for the dirt to swirl around. "When your father captured me--" she begins. "My father captured you?!" I say bewildered. "Yes, he was using me as a diversion to see if his men could get to the hideout in time--" Tigerlily says slowly. "In time for what?" I ask practically jumping out of my skin. "For a plan. A plan to stop Peter forever."

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me to the ship. My father couldn't make a bomb. My father wouldn't do this, my father couldn't do this, it's just a game...right?

When I arrive at the ship I call, "Daddy! Daddy?! Father?! Smee? Jacoby? Fields? Anyone?" I swing up the side of the erie ship I called home. They didn't leave did they? I rush to my fathers study. And there stands an empty lantern. I stride over to the lantern atop my father's desk. And sure enough there is a coat of fairie dust on the bottom of the lantern. My heart leaps with happiness that Tink is safe until I see what the glass from the lantern leads to....

X marks the spot where the boys love to hide.

Captain Hook's DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora