Gravity Falls

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Gravity Falls is awesome. It was created by the genius, Alex Hirsch. The show is about 12 year old twins who live with their great uncle. He has turned his house into a tourist trap, the Mystery Shack. The boy twin finds a hidden journal which is about the magic and mystery of the town, Gravity Falls. The group is joined by a fat, man child and a cashier girl. Fun side characters are in it all the time, too. As the series continues, certain details become important and certain enemies become dangerous. In season two, the show becomes intense and darker. The show gets away with stuff that they couldn't get away with on other channels. Some characters become more important than you'd think. The creator, Alex Hirsch, is a genius and and figured the whole show out, before it even started. Codes are also hidden throughout the show, and they can add suspense to the story. So, this show is awesome, and I recommend you watch it.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2016 ⏰

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