Be nice

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Liam's P.O.V.

Be nice. Be nice. Be nice. I can do this. It shouldn't be so hard. It's just one kid it's not like its gong to hurt your rep. I'm sure plus you always have to make sacrifices for the one you love. You can do this I can do this I can do this. I starts to walk up to him. He's by his locker puttin some books in. I notice him fidgeting with something in his locker then I decide nows a perfect time so this is it. It's now or never. I can do this I walk around the wall and approach him I suddenly stop when a figure appears in front of him. I walk back around the corner listening to who it is and what he wants with Lou.

"Hey Lou. Remember me?"

"Um yeah what's up?"

"Well I noticed none of your friends are here and I've seen you getting a little to attached to zayn so why don't you start explain huh?"

"Um well see that's not what it looks like he was punched by my brother so I apologized and made sure he's been getting home ok. "

"But why if he bullies you. "

"Well he doesn't anymore as matter of fact were good friends. "

"That bitch!!" I accidentally say a wee bit loud they stop and turn to me but don't say anything. And turn around. But now it's quite in fact it's really quite now. What the fuq? I turn around slowly and stare in horror. Niall James Horan part of one direction is kissing the new kid Louis William Tomlinson the nerd the Brit tommy boy dumb fuck and the one of the most popular boy in the school is making out with him like his life depended on it or something what the hell!!!! And Louis isn't fighting back. I know he's gay but Niall's not even attractive he doesn't deserve Lou. They never break away either not even for air. So I decide to break it up. I run up to them and punch Niall right in the cheek and its actually bleeding.

"Dude what the actually fuck are you ser-"


"Yes Niall " I say agitated

"What's wrong you knew I liked him. "

"Yea but no one asked what I thought of him huh ?"

"No I guess not cause we assumed you hated him since you were the one who actually hung him from the flagpole I was going to let him go but noooo".

"Look Niall I'm in love with him. Ok are you happy now you fucking know." And I run off into the restroom then I deciding I better just go. So I take of running for my flat. But I decide to go to zayns maybe he can help me. I run all the way their I run in. Really? At least lock your goddamn door.

"Hey Zay I'm sorry I just really need someone to comfort me. I know you can't talk so just write ok please just do me this favor. " he nods and gets his white board he motions me to go over by him. So I cuddle up to him as he gets ready to write and listen.

"So there's this boy. His names is l- Lucas and I like him but ni- Noah kissed him today so I punched him and I took off what should I do?" He writes

"Sorry buddy but for starters don't fucking lie who do you 'like' and who kissed him. " shit he knows me to well. I don't want to tell him though.

Oh well he should know. Maybe I'll say his brother yeah. No Niall will tell him the truth oh why does he have to be a fag to.

"Ok ok you got me its Louis. Yeah I like Louis Tomlinson and Niall from 1D kissed him today so I punched him and took off running." As soon as I said Louis his eyes widen as if there was something up but I didn't want to say anything. So I just ignored it.

"Oh really well I'm so sorry mate. But did uh Lou kiss Niall back?"

"Yeah they were actually making out I finally broke them up as my heart shattered."

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