Chapter 13 The Realization

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It's been months after the incident, I don't talk to any of them anymore, except for Katrina. She's been with me the whole time. Later at lunch I walked to a random table and sat down to eat, then one of my classmates came up to me and said

"Who are you taking to the year end party?" He asks

"I don't know" I said

"How about Katrina, don't you like her?" He asks

"Well" I said

"So you do like her! See you and Katrina at the party!" He said and walked away

I thought to myself "Do I really like Katrina?" After a few minutes the answer came to me like a ship blasting off, I do like her!

Later after school I planned to ask her out, but then she had news for me.

"Guess what! Teo just asked me out to the year end party!" Katrina screamed

"Wow, that's great!" I shouted back

But the truth was I was disappointed

So I just walked back home

Yay plot twist :p

Don't forget to cote! (Comment and Vote!)

~Bea :p

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