4. Contacts

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What the fuck?

I'm one hour into school and some guy already hits on me? Am I dreaming or....dead?
No guy ever wanted to have a proper conversation with me and here they just come up behind me and invite me?

...That's all I ever wanted...
Be recognized by someone.

"No, I don't have any plans on Saturday. But I'm not really su-." "Shhh, I know you're new. That's why I'm so interested in you. You come to my party whether you want or not," he interrupts me with his low voice, putting a finger on my mouth.
Okay, this is scary, but in some way it's kinda hot.

That's when a blonde chick runs up to him and jumps in his arms. Followed by three other girls who look like they just came out of plastic surgery.

"Heeeeey baby," she welcomes him, kissing his lips. From his mouth just slips a simple and cold "hi", eyes still focused on me.

"Who's that?" The plastic doll asks, sending me a deadly glance. "Bella Thomas, same grade, moved to Sydney on Saturday because her father cheated on her mother."

This is only scary...not hot.

"Mhhh okay and why exactly are you talking to her? I mean she's clearly not worth it." Bitch, what did you say?

"I invited her to my party this Saturday. We all know she needs some friends since she's alone," Calum answers her with a wink. "Clearly she can find other friends. We're too good. Look at us," she observes with a dramatic gesture to her friends.

He doesn't answer her. Instead he pulls out a piece of paper, writes something down and hands me the note. On the note are numbers written. Probably his phone number. Without waiting till I say something he turns around and beckons his friends to follow him. Leaving me alone and confused.

Why did he knew that my father cheated on my mother and that I arrived on Saturday?

I focus on my locker again, still busy trying to stuff my things in it. The entire time, I have this strong feeling someone's watching me, thus I turn around to look if anybody is standing behind me and then I saw him. The blonde boy who watched me earlier in class stands over the way by his own locker. Why does he always look at me?

I wave to him, but he doesn't return it. He just stands there looking at me. Normal people would think he's a creep or a pervert, but I don't see him like that. I'm more interested in him than scared. I want to know what he's thinking and if he's interested in me too.

I make my way over to him, but sadly he grabs his school stuff and walks away. One more time I'm left alone and confused.

I saw her in my class. Black ripped jeans and a white tee suited her perfect body ideal just like her wonderful, long hair. The bluish color at the tips were the cherry on top. If her personality is as perfect as her appearance, I just fell in love. Compared to me, puberty hit her like that bus hit Regina George.

After our class, I saw her in the hallway by her locker, trying to stuff things in it. This asshole Calum talked to her, probably inviting her to one of his parties he always throws at the weekend. He does this to every new student and they all go to this stupid party where they get drunk and don't remembered a thing afterwards.

He was so focused on Bella that he didn't even pay attention to his fake girlfriend Ashley which scared me a little. Calum Thomas Hood always pays attention to his toys. You wouldn't throw anything away which you hadn't used properly would you?

I can't blame him. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. I want to protect her from this party because I know that something bad happens to her. Those parties augur badly. But I can't. I can't talk to her because I'm a shy loser who would just stutter in front of her. I have stared the whole time at her. She already thinks I'm a creep anyway.

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