59 2 10

She had seen the dark figure many times, crawing for her sweet soft skin. It seemed like it was following her but she always shrugged it off, but was it worth the fact that she would regret it someday ?

Narrator's POV

"I feel him in the dark when I fall asleep." Was something she had written down on her diary the night before.

She had received three pictures through her mailbox, which she found the next morning in front of her front door. As she examined the pictures, horror and shock creeped on her face as her hand flew over her mouth to silence her sudden sob from escaping her mouth.

The first picture was of her, sleeping peacefully under her soft blanket, curled up into a fetal position. Her dark chocolate hair looked like it was pushed out of her face and some was tucked behind her ear as her lips were slightly parted. The photo looked like it had been taken from above her, meaning that whoever her so called 'stalker' was, stood by her bed to take that picture. Terrifying, right?

The next picture was of her, dancing in the dance studio, alone. The picture had been taken from outside, through the glass windows. Did this mean that the person was always following her ?

The third picture was of her, showering. Her back was facing the camera as she was facing the wall, rinsing her hair with a shampoo, the outlines of her body very clear to the shot.

She felt gross and scared. How did that person get into her house ?

She ran upstairs as fast as she could, to get dressed before going to the police station. She was too scared to see what other things her stalker would be capable of doing. That person could be there right now and just the thought of that made goosebumps dance on her soft pale skin.

She settled with an over-sized black hoodie and gray joggers, before pulling her hair into a high ponytail. She started walking towards her room's door when she heard an unexplained noise that sounded like it came from downstairs, making her stop moving. She stayed on her place by the door, trying to listen if there were any more noises.

She tried to steady hear breathing as she grabbed her phone and with shaky hands dialed Zayn's number and put the phone against her ear slowly.



"Hello ?"

"Z-Zayn ?" Her voice was shaky as she heard a the wooden stairs crack. She slowly backed away towards her closet and went in, sliding  the door behind her closed, leaving a little crack for her to look out of.

"Is everything okay ?"

"I n-need you to c-call the p-" she stopped talking as the door to her bedroom opened, revealing a tall man, a very familiar one. Tears blurred her vision as her hand was against her mouth again while she slowly dropped her hand -that she held the phone with- down to her side, the phone falling onto the floor. She backed against the wall of her closet.

The man was looking for something, going through her drawers and then he started walking towards her closet, while mumbling something she didn't catch. This was the end, she thought.

She closed her eyes, letting the tears stream down against her now pale cheeks. The door was slided open and she opened her eyes to face the man. The tall man's shadow was in front of her now. The man chuckled a bit,

"I found you."

His raspy low voice spoke, before she was turned around and a strong arm kept her in her place, against the man's chest and his another hand was in front of her mouth. His hot breathing hit her neck as he slowly spoke to her ear.

"We can do this in an easy way, or hard way. Easy way, you keep your mouth shut and you will not get hurt, or you will scream and you will get hurt. Understand ?" Flashbacks came back to her, she knew this person. He saved her that night. Why did he do this ?

Suddently his grip on her waist tightened, causing her to jerk closer to his chest. "I asked you a question." He spoke, as he started dragging her towards her bedroom's door.

He took his hand over her mouth, waiting for an answer, only to have to press it roughly againts her mouth again as she screamed from the top of her lungs. "Help !"

"I told you to shut up! I don't want to hurt you!" The man cried and before she could think of anything, she was hit with something in the head, causing her eyes to slowly close as she was consumed by the darkness..

[A/N]: Sorry for the long wait, I just didn't really know if I should have still continued her having these paranoid feelings about someone following her and leaving these hints or I should just finally do this.

Again, don't expect too much, you all should know by now that I'm not a good writer and my updates are slow.

What do you think of this chapter ?

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