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Max up top or to the side >>^^^
Edited: 4/7/19

The first time I was ever treated as such will always be memorable. It was a cloudy, calm day. The whole pack lounging and indulging in their rest.

One moment peace the next bringing havoc to our land. The rogues that were cloaked were no different from hunters. I remember seeing a mark branded on their throats, it was dark and thick wrapping around their throats, with vine like spikes emerging at random. A simple circle at the base of their throat Turing

it together. It was a blur, I remember being taken and being found later in a pit littered with remains of missing pack members. As I was brought back, they kept me subdued through the influence of the ruling Alpha's pheromones. I recall the whispers as I was paraded through the halls of the pack house and returned to my 'family.'
Soon after I kept being chased by those in my age group, my things kept disappearing, various adults choosing to ignore my existence, other adults who joined in the pack choosing to regulate me to mere maid or slave depending on the individual.

Following through the years, I finally made a friend, one who was like me, my one weakness. The one weakness I allowed myself to keep myself sane. That weakness formed in someone named Kate, an angel who this pack chose to shun based on her father of bastards decisions.

This is my story, where it all started in the Firewoof pack, hehe, not really that's what I call them, they're actually called The Firemoon pack. What idiot names a pack 'FireMoon?'

(A/N: That idiot would be I! Hehe, carry on)


Rolling of my comfy bed I head to the bathroom half-asleep barely managing to save myself from stubbing my foot into a box I shoved there the night before while looking for some supplies. Swearing, I hop into shower and choose to ignore the ball of anxiousness in my chest. A gut feeling guided me into choosing non-descriptive clothes, a simple white shirt and black jeans with durable black boots. Hesitating I stop and stand before a box, its a tiny box, one that could fit inside a pocket and barely be noticeable. In the end, I grab it and grab a bar from a hidden box in the tiny space that I call a closet.


I have to walk to school, from pack land to school it's a good thing 15 minutes away. I get to shithole, oops I meant school. Not really though, whoever thought that a place full of hormonal teens together was a good idea needed to experience it fully. Especially considering all the drama that could unfold from a single action.

When I get there the most 'popular' guy (popular due to his face and his streak of athleticism, plus the position he will receive), the Alpha's son is there with girls throwing themselves at him.

Alec Huntersman is the most sought after male in this tiny land.

Trying not to get noticed, I narrowed my eyes and lowered my head, using the farthest route to keep away from the crowd around the quad but when I passed by I smelled the most intoxicating smell. A hint of chocolate with a dash of cotton candy and vanilla. It was a hella weird combination and it smelled really good considering I don't like chocolate. I ducked my heard into my body as much as physically possible and ran like hell into hell.

My schedule consisted of something like this,
1st period: Home room with Luny
2nd period: Science with Quill
3rd period: Math with Goolworth
4th period: English with Leryl
5th period: Study Hall
6th period: P.E with Seyo
(A/N: Remember these names!)

When I went inside, I practically ran to my locker and to class where I sat there waiting for Kate. Kate is there often to treat my wounds when I'm beaten by the bullies who were the chasing brats grown into beasts with ignorance of a toddler, at school and at the pack house. She really does resemble and angel, one full of kindness and innocence that most boys chase.With her natural soft looking blond hair and crystal clear blue eyes. We share the same birthday so wherein I dread to find my mate she yearns for hers.

When Kate finally gets to class, her eyes are rimmed in red and the sniffling she's trying to control is so close to breaking the chains holding my heart. Frantically I ask, "What's wrong?" As I ask I wrap her in a hug and ignore the teenagers pouring into the classroom.

"...I-I got...rejected by my mate" She whispered the last bit as she tried to burrow away and hide the pain and from the mark that was soon to be branded onto her.

Growing furious but helpless I could only hug her tighter. "Who's your jerk of a mate?"
"The soon to be Beta." She whispered in despair and eyes showing the same helplessness in mine.

I couldn't do anything, not as I am now. Silently I vowed to find a way to payback for this humiliation she had to endure.


When the bell rang, I calmly waited for everyone to leave. When I was sure everyone was gone, I went out of the classroom, and made a stop and went to drop things of to my locker. 

When I got there I heard some whispers and giggles with some sounds of something bumping into things. I noticed the intoxicating scent and the scent of burning firewood seemed to be tangling together. With apprehension and caution I noticed an opening in the custodian's closet. Some part of me didn't want to find out what I already knew. At that moment, it all seems like fate's wheel started.

Alex's P.O.V.

'Beep! Beep! Beep!'

I mumbled some curse words. "Ugh."

I sighed and got up.
I got ready for school. Quietly and quickly I sneaked downstairs. Peaking into the kitchen I grumbled under my breathe but walked in normally and headed to the island to grab an apple while trying to say goodbye to my mom and dad.

With some ominous partings words from my dad, "Your mate is your mate, don't make the mistakes my father did." With a nod I got in my convertible and drove to the hellhole, school.

When I got there, and unknown voice in my head spoke up for the first time.
'Are you me?'
I could sense the unknown rolling its eyes. "Duh, what else would willingly spend their life inside a body with too many hormones?"
'Ok, why are you so excited?'
"You'll see." was his smug reply.

When the loser passed by aka Max. I smelled the most amazing intoxicating scent which smelled of  strawberries and velvet.

"Mate!Go to our mate!" Mike said
I just ignored him and went to class. "You bastard! Listen to your father!" I blocked him and continued on as normal.

*Last period*

Bree sat down at my lap and whispered in my ear:

"Baby want to ditch and have a quickie?"
"Sure lets go."
"Just because you don't want a mate doesn't mean I don't!" With those ominous words his Wolf shut down their bond. For a moment he tensed and relaxed but continued on.
I grabbed her hand and took her to the  janitors closet.

*Skip to end of school*

When we finished school was already out. We came out and the amazing scent was near, I spotted the loser standing still, looking broken-hearted and confused. The scent was closer. I realized that the scent was coming from the loser.

Shit! She was my mate.

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