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I woke up and Deeppaw was gone. So was all the fresh-kill. I got up and started looking around. I heard a rustling sound and I turned to see a rogue enter the hollow. She was followed by Deeppaw. "Hey? Um... Skypaw? What do you think Bloomstar would do if I brought a rogue back to camp?" He asked, hesitantly.  He's not really thinking of doing that, is he? I mean we could train her and stuff but would she like it there? "I dunno. Depends if she's going to run away or not." I said, casually. As we were walking back to camp, the shecat started talking. "Um... hi. I- um.. I'm River. I'm- um.. good with medicines and you know. stuff." She said, sheepishly. Great! Um.... I know! Since Jumpflower's really sick a the moment and probably will die, this shecat could be the next med cat! "Hi. I'm Skypaw. I'm training to be a warrior! Sooo.. uhhh... When we get back to camp and after you've seen and talked to Bloomstar, do you want me to show you the med cat den?" I asked. River's sea-blue eyes widened. "Yes please!" She replied. Deeppaw looked at me, knowingly. "Say, would like to be the next med cat? Our one is... retiring, so there might be a spot for you!" I asked again. Her eyes almost popped out of her head. "OH. MY. MOONCLAN! YES, YES, YES!" She yowled. Then she stopped and mumbled to herself. "Hey? How do you know about Moonclan?" Asked Deeppaw. She looked at him and sighed. "Well, it's a long story. Do you have time?" She asked. Deeppaw and I  looked at each other and then turned back to River. We nodded at her and she started to tell the story. "Okay. So when I was little, my mom would tell me stories of the clan cats. I didn't believe her. So when she was asleep, I snuck out and climbed the trees. One of the clans was in grief. I'm pretty sure it was their leader that died. Anyway, I watched them and they said 'in honour of Patchstar, the clan will sit vigil. Fastclan will miss you, Patchstar.' I sprinted back to where I left my mother and my two sisters but they had gone looking for me. They never came back so I decided I'd be a loner. Mama told me everyone makes fun of loners, so when I'd run in to another cat, I'd bare my teeth and say 'I'm a rogue!' I used to scare them away but then there was a fierce cat that terrorized others! His name was... oh! Sagestar was his name! He almost killed me! My family heard me yowling and came to the rescue. They died in the battle against him! It was horrible!" At this point, River was actually crying! I pushed up against her side."It's okay. What were your sisters and mom's name?" I soothed. She looked at me and sighed. "Lake, Pond and Puddle. My dad left when I was a kit but mom said that his name was Web." How ironic. "Acording to my mom, he was a brown tom with green eyes." That sounds like Webtail! Web? His exact eye colour and pelt colour?! That's him!

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