Brick By Brick #2

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Warning: Language

Ian's P.O.V:

"Do you have everything?" my mom asked for the one hundredth time that day. "Yeah mom, I have everything" I replied sassily as I looked at all the people outside of my school. "Ian stop that!" she ordered as she saw me fiddle with my violin. "What am I doing now?!" I asked frustratedly. "You'll break the stings..." she trailed off. "Look mom, I know your worried but I'll be fine, trust me." I reassure her before I got out of the car and said bye.

As soon as I stepped into school there was an arm around my neck and a knuckle grinding against my skull. "Heyo!" Felix exclaimed as he let me go. I replied with a suitable "Sup?" even though I knew the answer. "Nervous as fuck! How about you?" "Same. My mom wouldn't stop asking me that this morning! God, she's so annoying!" I explained annoyed. "Oh hey! I almost forgot, Anthony's looking for you, he's at his locker." he informed. I smiled happily and thanked him before running towards my boyfriends locker.

Anthony Padilla, football team captain, hottest guy in school, popular, my boyfriend! He may have slight, slight anger issues and he may bully some people that annoy him but we're working on it. Brick by brick.

As I made my way to Anthony's locker I saw him pining David to a wall... David is one of the people who get on Anthony's nerves.

"What did you call me? A faggot? Was that it?!" Anthony yelled while one of his hands ghosted over David's cheek. "Anthony!" I called out as I made my way towards them. I saw a small appeared on David's face.


Second addition of the first chapter. Which on do you prefer. I have no clue myself, I need help!

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