The Chronicles of Chaos, Till' the End of Time - Book 1

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Chronicle of Birth: Omin Ein

 In the blackness of nonexistence and the emptiness of the void, a massive, formless shape shifted, seemingly bringing the black sea to life as the void turned glassy and glowed with a faint shimmer. The mass contracted and expanded, beginning to take the shape of a basic humanoid form, larger than anything comprehensible by mortal minds.

 The arm of the being moved, opening its hand to encompass a great portion of the Void. Its hand closed, compressing the Void’s Nether-energy in its firm grip. Its fingers shifted, as if molding something within its immense fingers. A voice rang out across the nothingness, every word imbued with unfathomable amounts of power and magic.

 And so, my gift to all who may follow is born of my final moments…

 The being slowly seemed to falter in the darkness, its energy decreasing as the glow in its palm grew stronger and more intense. Behind the being, an immensely large, detailed metal gate grew in size, slowly opening to nothing but the purest, brightest light, causing the energies of the Void to recoil in pain and fear from the Light.

 The being felt the pull, and, with a final heave of effort, poured a final, massive wave of energy into its hand, opening it as a powerful, incandescent light blossomed forth from within.

 The being stared into the Light of Creation that was suspended before it, wrought by its own will and power, as it began to take the shape of the perfect Realm of the Void. It watched as the light blossomed into a paradise, from which its descendants could create the perfect worlds and watch over them for eternity. It raised its hands and energy flowed forth in immense waves, imbuing the land, sky and sea with magical spells that would keep the Balance of the Eternal Land forever.

 The being sagged, its brightness dwindling as the pull from the Gate of the End intensified. The gates at the edge of the world closed, locking with a thunderous roar of metal. The being clasped its hands together, spreading them as a massive magical circle grew between its separating palms. It shifted the circle to the land beneath it, spreading it in diameter. 8 glowing points appeared at its edges, extending upwards to form 8 pillars of shimmering, woven light. The being knelt at the center of the circle, its energy beginning to change color as its form ebbed, losing its humanoid shape. Its voice echoed out again, laced with effort and a degree of pain.

 Live on. I believe in all of your potential. The being almost collapsed, its arms nearly faltering. Fulfill, the Secrets….of..The Void.

 The being subsided into a mass of energy, the towers of light at its edge beginning to take the shapes of 8 humanoids, each with a difference in size and form. The circle disappeared and the figures at its edge glowed brightly before the energy dissipated from their bodies.

 Around the pillar now stood 8 beings, each one radiating immeasurable amounts of power. There was a high and mighty being, garbed in dark, powerful armor, a mighty dark helmet, swathed in shadow and radiating a fierce aura of power, who wielded a mighty sword, Chardon. Beside him, wreathed in magical robes and armor, stood another being of the same height. He wielded a massive staff, in which an orb of pure magical energy resided. The staff became one of the governing magical artifacts, the Staff of Candel. Beside him, stood another, who sported large feathered wings, where one was jet black, and another was shimmering white, their body covered with robes of black with white armor pieces scattered loosely over its body. Its head was covered with a helmet of weaved white and black metal, with one eye covered with a star and another covered with a crescent moon.

 These three armored, towering beings radiated power to the point where the energy manifested itself as a flaring aura around each of them. Beside the three, there were several others, though less flashy and ostentatious with their appearance.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2013 ⏰

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