Day 1

46 5 2

Cursing the cold, I silently urged the bus to come sooner. The world was grey. A bad storm was heading to this small island,  and was predicted to hit later this week. 

Reaching my bus stop just in time, I clumsily rummaged through my bag looking for my bus pass. On locating it, I was rewarded with a seat at the back. In hopes of drowning out the people talking, I shoved my earphones deep into my ears.

A few minutes into the journey, my brain finally began taking in my surroundings: the traffic was fairly thick, we were stopped at a red light and the bus was deserted apart from a few other passengers. An empty aisle through the middle of the bus divided the seats into two sides. Near the front of the bus, on the left side was a dark skinned child sitting next to a young man. On the right side, several seats down from me sat a girl with long, pale, silky looking hair. Briefly, I wondered what her face looked like: I guessed she was pretty.

I changed the song on my ipod from a Bring Me The Horizon to My Chemical Romance 'The Sharpest Lives' because I felt like something a little more mellow aka less screamy. When I looked back up from my ipod, I noticed the young man who I could now see was about my age - seventeen - staring thoughtfully at me. Sharply, he turned back around. Soft, chocolate skin, broad shoulders and intelligent eyes, he was certainly not bad looking. Continuing to glance back at me every so often, he seemed to become less cautious about me catching him. I wouldn't say I was pretty but I certainly wasn't unappealing plus I was cute when I smiled. Although for whatever reason he had shown interest in me, it was pointless. I could only feel a small attraction to a certain kind of guys - boys who had very femine and pretty faces. Basically, I was a 4/5 on the gay scale.

The 'older brother' had shifted his body around in his seat a bit. It appeared he was working the courage up to introduce himself to me. Wanting to avoid that awkward encounter, I pressed the 'stop' button since I was only a few stops away from where I normally got off. The bus came to a halt. Without glancing at him, I scurried down the aisle, heading for the exit. Forgetting that there was a step down in the middle of the aisle, I carelessly tripped and came close to smashing my face on the floor. Instead, pale arms had wrapped around me and were pulling me back to standing.

My eyes entwined with her large, youthful, lively ones - the colour of alabaster - which caused any previous embarrassment to be forgotten. Before me was a startlingly beautiful creature, photoshopped to be exquisitely perfect. Deathly pale yet her skin appeared to be glowing. Painted black, long eyelashes. Full, moisturised lips with a pink undertone. High check bones. Her hair reached the middle of her stomach, on one side some of her hair was cut to reach just below her chin - too long to be a fringe. This unique looking girl smiled slightly at me, making her appear quite innocent.

Remembering myself, I suddenly felt unworthy of being seen by someone as mesmerizing as her. I felt my face start to heat up. Before fleeing the scene, I awkwardly half smiled in gratitude for her preventing me from literally face palming.


Strange Girl (lesbian, girlxgirl, yuri)Where stories live. Discover now