My One and Only

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Camilla looked beautiful sitting their, her temples creased from concentration. She looked as though she was painting. Except, she wasn't. She was crying. No one knew why, because no one bothered to ask. They didn't think she was important. She was a nobody among the crowd of the world. She knew it too. Many nights she had spent making small slits in her wrists. Not big enough for anyone to notice, but they were their. Once she was working on an art project for art class, and she had stopped to scratch at her wrist, making herself suffer. A small flow of blood had trickled from her fragile wrist, also going onto the painting. It went right on the bouquet of flowers she was painting. It flowed slowly onto the dark maroon red rose she had been painting.Ever since then, she had never made any extra openings in her body. She would not let that get the best of her-or her art.  

That day she was crying because her grandfather had passed. He was her best friend. They would always go see cheesy movies in theaters on Sunday night. He was always the closest thing she had to a friend. He would give her a half birthday present each year, and she would do the same. They were always there for each other, no matter what. Having him leave was like having your best friend move to another country without cell phone service-Hopeless.

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