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I stared at the door. What if it was Jack...
I walked to the door slowly. My heart beat got faster. I felt like hot coals were burning on my back.

I opened the door ever so slightly.

"Alex!" Nash shouted as he walked in holding hands with Jennifer.

I felt huge wave of relief.

"Ah Its just you guys." I whispered

"What?" Nash asked

"Nothing" I quickly responded

"Alex!" Jennifer shouted while she hugged me.

Cameron and Nash ran to each other and did their odd best friend handshake which only they understood.

Me and Jennifer laughed. Mine was pretty fake to be honest all I had on my mind was Jack.

"So how are you and Nash?" I asked energetically trying to keep myself together so I wouldn't cry.

"I think we couldn't be better! How are you and Jack?"

"Well um yea about that... we're not that well, we broke up."

"you guys have been dating for the past 5 years, what happened?"
Jennifer stepped closer. Cameron and Nash came my way also.


"What happened?" Jennifer asked in a sympathetic voice.

"Well you see.."

She continued the story but her voice trailed off in my head as a saw head lights.

"I'll be right back guys." I quietly added
"I'll go to." Nash suggested

"I'll see you in a bit babe." Nash assured Jennifer as he kissed her head.

"But where are you guys going?" Jennifer asked him in a concerned manner.

"Don't worry I'll be fine and I have my phone so you can call." Nash told Jennifer.

We walked out the door and we saw Jack getting off his car.

"Where's Alex." He demanded.

"Jack stop. Don't make her cry. Don't make her stress."

"I'm not listening to this bullshit right now. Where is she!"

"Let her talk with Jennifer." Nash demanded

"How's that going to help."

"Look you can go in there and make her cry or we could go to Sam's." I said

"I don't want to deal with Sam right now. I want to see Alex."

"Whatever you say. I'm going." I argued

I got in my car with Nash but Jack didn't follow. Me and Nash were still going to go after Sam.

As I was about to drive Jack ran to the car and sat in the back seat.

"I see you changed your mind" Nash said with a grin on his face.

"Just drive." Jack said annoyed

I sped out onto the road.


3:38 am:

"Alex I'm starting to worry." Jennifer said in a shaky voice

"Their phones keep going to voicemail." She added

"What can the--"

My phone started ringing. It was the police.

"What the fuck..." I mumbled before answering the Phone.


"Are you Alexandra?"

"Y--yes is something wrong?"

"Your fiancée Jack and his friend Cameron here here have been arrested. the-"

I cut him off. I knew what they had done already.

"I'm on my way."

I hung up the phone quickly and looked up at Jennifer.

"Jack and Cameron have been arrested...."

"For what?"

Jennifer's phone rang. It was also the police.

I watched Jennifer talk on the phone and I sat down patiently.

"Alex..." she cried after she hung up

"Jennifer I-I..."

"I'ts okay. I'll take you in Nash's car so you can pick up Jack and Cameron and I can pick up Nash. He left his car here."

"Jennifer It's okay. They just screwed up."

she nodded her head and we both walked outside to go to the car.


"Alex. Oh my god Alex. Please don't be mad. Alex..."

I ignored Jack and grabbed his hand then I led him outside to the parking lot.

We went under a tree that was next to Nash's car. I pulled his neck closer to me and I pressed my lips slightly on his. I was on my tippy toes with my arms around his neck. His arms were wrapped around my waist. I couldn't get over how happy I felt at that moment.
"Don't let me go" I mumbled

From the corner of my eye I saw light. A big blur.
We both stopped and turned. A car was heading towards us.

"JACK!" I yelled.

I gasped and I woke up. I was sweaty.

"bad dream?" Jennifer asked while she was staring at me and straightening her hair.



"I was dating Jack... ew..."

"Jack the fuckboy? Gilinsky? The one who lives 4 blocks away?"

"Yes. Gross."

"Isn't he dating that chick Madison?"


Did you guys see that coming? Might post next chapter tomorrow. Or not I'm not sure.

xoxo- Your fav bitch, Kys.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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