Chapter3-Enkil-The Mission

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Enkil's POV

The name is Enkil, and I'm no normal being. I'm what you see in your dreams, a handsome devil calling to you. Every night you come back for more just to see my handsome devilish face. Look your already thinking about me, and I haven't even begun. I'm the shadow within the shadow, walking the streets like the devil I am. Not having a care in the world, aside from her. I don't care about pity little things, I've seen everything that could ever be seen.

I'm getting off track, so where were we, ah yes the twins. Lets clear the air up before I continue, I did not save them because I was sad that this was happening to them, no I didn't care about their little stupid problems. But they were a crucial part to achieving my goal, so I bought them back with me to my precious Victorian Mansion.

They've been here for a little over 3 years and over the three years I've seen them twisted in worped by hatred and revenge, and that just put a huge smile on face. I'm thinking it's about time they meet my sweet Asasea. I could hear Myra coming down the hall, and slowly opening my door as if not to wake. She walked in a little slow keeping her eyes on everything in my room except me.

Personally I love this room, it was a classic victorian master bedroom. the walls filled with with large artwork from the renaissance era, the lower parts of the walls wood laced pass each other crossing and stopping here and there, making it appear to look like the walls of a church behind Jesus on the cross. The ceiling was Mahogany with some singular pew going down into the artwork. In the center of the ceiling hung a elegant chandelier candles beautifully distributed throughout it. The dresser was a mixture of Renaissance an Victorian style on both ends of the dresser stood a elegant mahogany colored candle holder that housed four candles each. The head of the dresser look as if wore a wooden dark brown crown, an oval shaped mirror perfectly fitted in the middle. On my dresser stood two very beautiful Victorian vases. To the right of the dresser was a wooden chair its cushion a light bluish color, with golden swirls. And of course we cannot forget the bed, and yes if you were wondering I do sleep in a bed. It was thee most beautifully elegant bed you will ever lay eyes on, after all I do deserve the best do I not. The Canopy Bed's top looked as if a small country was built upon it, quite beautiful blended in with the foot of the bead, a tall bored that came from the bottom of the bed to the very top of it, beautiful shapes carved from it. The bed was draed by the same material and color used on the chair a light bluish color with elegant gold swirls, as went for the mattress. Doesn't it look beautiful, why of course it does.

She stood there her eyes finally falling upon me, she gave a quick nervous smile. I gave her my best wicked smile, and she hardened like a rock. I smiled with satiisfaction and turned back to my computer, i had recieved an invitation to an all black affair party at Kuro's Mansion, scrolling down the list of people that are going to attend, i couldn't believe my eyes. It was Asasea's name.

I looked away from my computer screen, to see Sam standing outside the door watching me and Myra intently. What a little bastard, who is he looking at like that. I don't care how much hes changed he better have some damn respect. I looked at him staring him down never talking my eyes of his, he could feel it and slightly averted his eyes to his sister.

I motioned for him to come in, he walked in and stood next to his sister. " Well you guys look terrible what happened you couldn't get any sleep?" when they didn't answer i just shrugged and went on.

" We're goin to a party, an all black affair party, i have some special people I'd like to introduuce you to." i said to them i couldn't help but smile when i thought about her.

" And what are we suppose to wear" Myra asked, while her brother look as if he didn't really care.

I looked at her with confusion clearly written on my face, what the hell is an ALL BLACK AFFAIR PARTY, wht do you think your suppose to wear, i frowned " A black dress."

She bowed andd thety both left my room to get ready, it was going to be a great night. Looking out the window i could just about see her beautiful face, my dear Asasea.

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