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Gallade was in the principal's office with Gardevoir, with a bandage wrapped around her head like Ciel when he got his eye changed. Well, the principal said disgusted, you're the one that did this, Hmmm? Um no, I mean Yes, I mean uhhhh..... He didn't mean to. said Gardevoir. He didn't mean to? said the principal sarcastically. Like he didn't almost break your cubone. I didn't and it's not his fault he didn' t want to kick the ball into my face like others do. she said. Fine, leave it be but be warned that it will not be as easy to get off the hook next time. said the principal. They left the room and went into the hallway. Thanks for defending me there. said Gallade. Your welcome. said Gradevoir. Then out of nowhere she kissed him on the cheek. Bye. she said cooing. Gallade just stood there dumbfounded.


Later that day Gallade left the school seeing a bunch of guys playing football in the field tackling each other and doing other stupid things. He sat down on a bench when Greninja popped out of no where hanging upside down on the roof. Hey. Hi. said Gallade. So I saw what she did to you. said Greninja slyly. What? Gallade said trying to conceal the fact that he knew what Greninja meant. She kissed you on the cheek. he said now with a smug look on his face. How did you know this? asked Gallade, dumbfounded. I stalk everyone. Okay well see ya. Bye.


It is fall and it's now time to go to the fall dance or as most people call it, "the prom". Gallade was sitting on a bench outside thinking about asking Gardevoir out to the dance, when he saw Bisharp with Diancie. Woah. said Gallade in disbelief and awe kind of. Hey Gallade. said Bisharp Hello. said Diancie politely. This is my date to the dance, for a while actually. said Bisharp. Yes Bisharp told me about you when you came only just a few days after you came to this school. Well it's been nice to meet you but I have to go now. said Gallade. Why are you in such a hurry? said Bisharp, To ask Gardevoir out to the dance and be your date? he said smirking. Um no but- I know Gardevoir, butted in Diancie. She is my best friend. Really? asked Gallade Why, do you want me to ask her? said Diancie. NO NO!! I mean I would prefer to ask her myself. Gallade said now blushing. Suit your self. said Diancie. Well see you later Gallade. said Bisharp. And with that they left.


So are you asking Gardevoir out to the dance? Gallade was sitting with Scizor one of Bisharp's friends. He just asked him for Scizor's advice. I guess I am, who else right? Said Gallade. She is beautiful and I've been in some relationship kind of with her. Well I think you should ask, you got a 100% chance.


Gallade was right at the dorm of Gardevoir nervously talking to him self to get the nerve to ask her. He knocked on the door. She looked out the door, and saw Gallade standing there. Yes? Umm... Hi Gardevoir, I was wondering if you could, umm, go to the dance with me? She looked down with a hint of red on her cheeks. Then all of the sudden she slammed the door, right in his face!!!


The next day Gallade went over to Gardevoir's lunch table and saw her laughing with this other guy with his arm around her. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. WHAT....THE....HECK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!(Sorry Gallade is having a freakout / ragequit, kinda.) He thought in his head is she cheating on me? Who is that guy? What is Gardevoir doing with him? Is thsi why she slammed the door in my face? Is this the end? A million questions went through his head at that moment. Then when Gardevoir saw him and immediately looked away. Blushing in the process. Then moments later she wasn't there. Gallade went to the table and slammed the table and yelled, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?! The guy looked at him as if he said nothing. Woah, woah chill she just hanging ou with me no problem. NO PROBLEM?! he was in a rage of fury. What was that?!?! Said Gallade. The Lucario just sat there looking at him as if he had been saying nothing. Gallade just sliced him in the face with a big gash forming on his head. Gallade started to walk away when all of the sudden the Lucario tackled him and spiked his chest. AUGH!! The whole lunchroom was chanting fight fight fight! He got up and got pinned up against a serving table and Lucario dipped his face into a vat of boiling soup. Gallade was screaming in pain muffled by the soup. And pulled him out his face was slightly burned and he reared back with his arms and stabbed him in the chest and piercing through his skin. He cried in pain and he picked up a knife and started to swing it around in a crazy manner. He impaled Gallade in the chest. He fell down and landed in a garbage can. Food was everywhere on Gallade of course. Now she is mine, deal? So leave her to me! He punched him in the face before he left. Everything black.


He woke up in his dorm lying in his bed with bandages and some searing pain all over. He turned over and a prick of pain to accompany that to the sight of Bisharp sitting next to him. So how are you feeling? asked Bisharp. Like i'm still in the soup. Gallade replied. Thats funny, but now how do you think about how the principal is feeling?!?! Oh my gosh I seriously did not think about that and now I'm probably going back into that vat of soup. said Gallade his hands over is head. Well at least we know you are dedicated to her. Well at the least. But, Bisharp interrupted the principal doesn't know about this. Are you serious?! How the heck does he not know?! I don't know maybe he is busy or gone. But that is good because he technically still hates you but you didn't provoke him anymore or the love of your life would be taken away from you. Where is Gardevoir? I don't know replied Bisharp. Then where is Lucario??? I don't know okay?! Can you just comfort me with good news? Well Lucario is not with Gardevoir but I don't know how she is feeling, probably scared and confused. How do you get this information??? I get it from Greninja. Oh right the stalker. Then he blacked out again.


Gardevoir's POV

Gardevoir was crying in her dorm room with her friends or room mates and flipping out at the same time. She was scared of how Gallade would feel about it. Zoroark was their comforting Gardevoir as well as Espeon helping out as well. I don't know what to do!!! wailed Gardevoir. It's probably okay said Espeon. No it's not!!! Gallade probably got in trouble and Lucario is about to attack me for liking Gallade!!! It's fine but you stay away from Lucario he's mine!!! said Zoroark. Now is not the time for that Z. said Espeon. You can have him, Gardevoir said sniffling. Gallade isn't in trouble. Espeon said How do you know that??? I.... have sources. she said almost unsure. Okay but what were you doing with Lucario??? asked Zoroark giving her a skeptical look. Well......

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2016 ⏰

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