The Stowaway

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       Dewie, the official alien expert for the intrepid crew of the S.S.Drake, spent years training for the expedition to PNF 404. But when an unfortunate cold strikes at just the wrong time, the authorities decide to send off Alph, Brittany, and Charlie without him. He was a bit torn up about not getting to be one of the saviors of Koppai, but he was much more worried at how the crew would deal with any extraterrestrial encounters. A planet as filled with fruit as PNF 404 couldn't be lifeless. Dewie decided that the only way he could protect his friends was by stowing away on the ship. He packed his provisions, then climbed into the hull of the great S.S Drake when nobody was looking. He was sure his crew mates would be glad to see him. But unfortunately, things didn't go to plan...

        The ship was well on it's way to PNF 404. Dewie was sitting in the hold, surrounded by books written by explorers who found new planets with new creatures. You never know, PNF 404 could be one of those planets... Dewie thought, engrossed in a book titled "The Piklopedia" He could hear the voices of the other 3 captains drifting from upstairs. He was astounded that no one had thought to come to the hold yet. Sure there wasn't supposed to be anything in it yet, but that wasn't an excuse for negligence. He would be sure to confront them about that when he went up. He still hadn't found the courage to admit that he was a stowaway... I need to tell them. Dewie decided. The journey is almost over. I don't have much time left. He reached for the doorknob, and just as his hand connected with the metal the ground began to shake, throwing him across the room, where he hit the wall hard. He understood what was happening. "The idiots! They flew right into a cloud of meteors!" He reached for his space suit, which he had brought with him. Zipping it up just in time, he only managed to grab a single book before a meteor crashed into the cargo door, the gravity of PNF 404 pulling him down, out of the ship, and into free fall. Still gripping on tightly to his book, he passed out, and therefore was unable to see 3 other figures ascend onto PNF 404.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2015 ⏰

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