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Not my first fanfiction, and I hope it shows. Critique is welcome!! Would like to become a better writer and I can't do that if I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Thank you for choosing to read my story. :)


This all started when I was nine.

You see, I was born from two parents, both had absolutely no clue about magic. Both believed it was nonsense, something only to be mentioned in fairy tales and make-believe. Neither my mum or dad knew about Grandma Maggie's abilities, or the fact that they'd be passed on to me. But when I turned my brother into a frog when I got mad at him for opening my presents at my birthday party, Grandma Maggie had to step in.

Of course, everyone was shocked by my hand in the business, but when Grandma stepped in even I was shocked. Turns out when Grandma found out she gave birth to a Squib, the nickname to those who are born from magical lines with little or no magic, she decided to give up magic so her daughter would never know the discrimination from Magical beings.

So thus, I was whisked away by my Grandma after she fixed the problem, my two parents a bit in shock about the surprise. I later found out they argued a lot during the following years I lived with Grandma, Mum being depressed about her lineage and losing me, my father having to deal with my mother, all over the small bloom that was my brother, who we found out was a young wizard in training on thanksgiving the following year.

So then Aiden, 7 years old, was whisked away to live with me and Grandma until I left for school in one year. It was in this time that my mother and father became divorced, and my father was put under a memory charm to make him forget about us.

So when my letter came in for Hogwarts, it finally felt like I had a piece of happiness to hold onto. Along my side were my classmates, Benjamin "Benji" Flikkem, a natural at Potions, and Leonard "Leo" Flikkem, both of whom were my best friends. Additionally, I took in quite the interest in Quidditch, and my strength class was Transfiguration.

Benji had been sorted into Slytherin, and Leo was sorted into Gryffindor, with me. This wasn't a big deal for them, especially Benji who seemed to be happy to expand his horizons.

A couple years passed, and the distance between them became more clear. I was always talking with Leo more, and he always took me to the Quidditch games to support Potter, who was a good friend of mine, as seeker (Long story short, he helped me with a Potions paper that I thought for sure I was going to fail). Benji became almost thoroughly crazed about proving that he was better then Leo.

The additional stuff happened that mostly evolved around Harry. You know what I'm talking about, the philosopher's stone, the chamber of secrets, and the Sirius Black scandal. Most people avoided him like the Dark Mark, others picked on him because they were afraid or just plain jealous, and the occasional few (like me and Leo) became good friends with him, becoming part of the close circle that was involved in his life's dangers. I was the one who helped Hermione when she was frozen by the Basilisk and took care of Ron in the hospital as well when he had been attacked by Sirius. I had never been directly involved in the events with Harry, but I could feel in my bones something strange was about to happen that would knock us off our brooms.

So, this tale begins with a small shopping trip, the week before my fourth year begins...

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