The Journey To Hogwarts

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I : Ginny

I stand at platform 9 ¾ with my annoying brother Ron, his crush Hermione Granger, and the boy of my dreams, Harry Potter. It's my third year, and it was Harry, Hermione, and Ron's fourth. I walk through the bustle of people, and every once in awhile I get pushed into my brother or Harry. I greatly preferred the latter, for when I got pushed into Ron he would be a jerk and push me again, but when I got pushed into Harry he would sweetly help me find my balance again. It's interesting how two contrasting boys could be such good friends. When we reach the train, I turn to my mom to say goodbye.

"See you, mum!" I say cheerfully, "See you at Christmas!"

Her cheeks turn rosy red, and her eyes pinch up around the edges. "Oh, I'll miss you!" She throws her arms around me, and I reach out one hand to steady my cart. "I'll miss you too mum."

Mom lets go of me and turns to Ron. "Oh, Ronald!" She smiles and hugs him, he too steading his cart. His owl, Pigwidgeon, screeches in protest. "Take care, and don't forget to write!" Ron grimaces, as mom turns to Harry and Hermione.

"Goodbye Harry, dear! Take care. You two Hermione!" Mom beams down at them, just as the Hogwarts Express toots its horn signalling it's ready to leave.

"Bye, Mrs. Weasley!" Hermione says, smiling back at her.

"Thanks for everything!" Harry adds, and we grab our carts to push them up to the train. We walk to the train, and I feel like a fourth wheel as Ron, Harry, and Hermione are whispering together in a little huddle.

We reach an empty compartment, Ron, Harry, and Hermione go in I'm about to follow when Ron looks at me and puts out his hand. "Don't you have any of your own friends?"

I gasp and narrow my eyes, distaste clear in gaze. I flip my hair and walk away without looking at Ron. The truth is the only reason most people were friends with me was because I was Ron and the twins sister, most people didn't really know me. I suppose that was a perk, though.

I grab my trunk and start walking back up the aisle. I glance in a few compartments, but all I see are some Hufflepuffs and some first year Gryffindors. Where is Luna?

Suddenly the train jerks to a start, and I'm flung backward. I gasp, and look around, totally lost I realize that I had bumped into a compartment door. The door opened revealing the face of my brother arch enemy Draco Malfoy.

"Are you okay?" he asked genuinely looking concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say softly dusting myself off as I stand up.

"You know you shouldn't walk around the train when it's moving" he laughs

"Yeah. Sorry" I say blushing at his comment. "I was just looking for a place to sit."

"That's okay," he opened the door wider and motioned for me to come in. "You can sit with us." I look inside to see a group of Slytherins.

"Hello," they say politely

"Um, hi" I say looking down at my feet. You see I'm not normally shy, but I had never been in a room with just slytherins.

The first one to talk was a very handsome boy. He had dark smooth skin and very short hair. You could see that he came from money because his robes looked brand new and made of pure silk. "I'm Zabini, Blaise Zabini," he says taking my hand and kissing it.

"Blaise! Stop flirting!" Yelled the blonde girl sitting next to him. She slaps him on the arm and turns to me. " My name is Dafne, Daphne Greengrass." She was saying as she cuddled into a boys arm.

The boy had dirty blonde hair and I recognized him from the Slytherin quidditch team. He was quite good looking with his spiked up hair and chocolate brown eyes. "Hello," he says shyly "I'm Terence Higgs." unlike the others he did not have the air of confidence around him he just looked normal.

Across from him as a girl with long black wavy hair and Amber green "hi," she says "I'm Pansy Parkinson." She seemed nice enough I thought to myself.

"Oh" I say when I notice everyone is staring at me. "My name is Ginny."

"We know!!!" They say all together.

"Oh!" I say again blushing. I noticed that Draco was already sitting and that there was an empty seat next to him. This is gonna be a long trip :)

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