meeting again

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Dipper' pov
Its was a rainy day in gravity falls , dipper was in his room reading the journal untill he stoped in bill's page "man i wonder what he did to my hand it hurts like hel!"i said in a upset tone.bill Apearred out of nowere "Hey pine tree miss me" bill said happy , dipper realised bill was no longer a triangle now he was a human wearing a golden suit and a triangle eye patch , wow did he turn human and how is he so hot , what the hall did i just say bill being hot ?!? "Wow pine tree dont forget i can read minds" bill said with a smirk in his face , i only blushed , how could i forget that bill can read minds ugh im so dumb . "Ur not wrong pine tree" bill said. "Stop that bill" i was getting upset . "Anyways why are u here ?" . "I just came to see my favorite human." I know bill didnt come here to see me , last time i saw him he took over my body and did something to my hand. "Ok u caught me i came to do something" and just like that he pulled me into a kiss. I was shoke why is he doing this? Why is he kissing me ?!
Bill's pov
I pulled away. I was waiting to do that for years. "U like that pine tree?" I smirked . " n-no i did not w-why did u kiss me ? " dipper said . "Lets make a deal be mine forever and i dont destroy gravity falls , so deal" i pulled out my hand and the blue flame appeard. "D-deal" he grabed my arm. "Perfect" and just left.

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