Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Riker POV

I ran out of Riley's room, crying. I ran through the kitchen door, crashed into something, and fell down, whacking my head on the kitchen counter in the process.

"OW! Riker!"

I looked up, and realized I had crashed straight into Riley. And Rick, our nighttime bodyguard, was standing a few feet away, looking at us like we were idiots, which we kind of were. I crawled over to Riley, and pulled her onto my lap, hugging her really tight.

"Riker? What are you doing?"

"I thought you were dead!" I said, crying.


"I thought you had pretended to go to sleep early so you could sneak out and go to the woods. And then I let myself fall asleep. I woke up, and you were gone! And then when I opened the door, Rick was gone too, and I thought he had gone with you, and I was so scared I had lost you!"

"Ugh! Riker! You're squeezing me too tight!"


"Riker, you said you didn't want me to go, so I didn't, even though I really wanted to. And I just woke up, and was hungry, so Rick came out here to help me find something to eat. I wasn't trying to make you think I went to the woods or anything."

"Please don't scare me like that again!"

"Awww. Riker, don't cry! I'm fine!"

"I know. I was just really scared!"



"The back of your head is wet! You're bleeding!"

Riley pulled me to the bathroom.

"It's ok. It doesn't look bad. There's just a lot of blood. You'll be fine."

Riley took a towel, put some water on it, and gently rubbed the back of my head. I guess I had hit the counter harder than I thought...

"How does it look now?"

"It looks alright. It stopped bleeding. But now your hair's wet."

"I can deal with that."



"You look so adorable when you cry."


"You look like a sad puppy! The cutest thing is your eyes, and then your nose."

"What about my nose?"

"The tip of it turns bright pink. It's just adorable."

I laughed, wiping my face. Riley could always make me feel better.

Riley pulled me back to bed, and I finally fell asleep, with no fears.


Riker POV

"Riker. Riker, get up."




"Don't make me get the water."

I opened my eyes. Riley was sitting up, staring at me.

"Why is it so important I get up this second?"

"Because I'm up, and I want to go for a walk, and Shane can't protect us if I'm on a walk, and you're here sleeping."

"I thought his name was Rick..."

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