9//tee shirt

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Song: Tee Shirt by Birdy

The sun shining through my window hit my face, waking me up. A smile came instantly, remembering last night.

He had taken me to the garden in Alexandria, holding me for hours while we talked about nothing. Watching the stars, laughing. It was amazing how the sunset was still beautiful in the apocalypse.

Then he dropped me off at my respective house, kissing me. A blush flooded my cheeks, remembering his lips on mine.

I didn't want to get up, wishing he was beside me in the black tee shirt he always wore. It smelled like him, like forest and soap. When he has soap, that is. I rolled over, facing the door, and closed my eyes again, for I don't know how long.

A knock startled me from my sleep, and I looked up. He stood in the doorway, the black tee shirt bringing a smile to my face. He knew I loved it.

"Hi beautiful." He said, grinning at me. In response, I covered my face in the covers. He laughed and I felt a dip in the bed, a pause, and then his body weight beside me. "Why are you hiding?"

"I just woke up," I whined, my answer muffled by the duvet. He chuckled;and the covers lifted. An arm circled my waist, and I felt his nose in my hair.

"Do you wanna know something?" He asked, and I shrugged. "When I wake up in the morning, you're my first thought. I just hope that I'm yours."

I swiveled to face him, my face in that tee shirt. "You are always my first thought."

He grinned, and we laid there for hours, talking and not talking. Just there. Together.

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