Her Secret Unleashed 4

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Chapter 4 :)


Hannah's P.O.V

I opened my eyes to see my ceiling staring back at me, after i showered three times i couldn't get the feeling of filth that laced over my skin. I cringed as my alarm rang, the noise echoing on the walls, my hand slammed down on the alarm. My body disagreed with me and decided not to move. I sighed and snuggled further into the bed when my phone rang

"Hello?"I answered, i heard Chelsea laughing in the background

"Hey, do you want Joe to pick you up this morning"Sam's voice asked, guilt hit my stomach hard as i remembered last night

"No, sorry, i just feel really sick i don't think i'll be in today"I told her, my eyes closing as she told Chelsea. I heard a gasp and the Chelsea's voice filled the speaker

"Young lady get your ass into school"She scolded, i laughed slightly

"but i feel really sick Chels' Do you want my disease?"I asked, she let out a mortified gasp

"How dare you say that! You know my record of sick days is clean"She laughed, i rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see me

"I'll see you guys tomorrow"I ended the call and lay-ed the phone next to me, the guilt weighing me down......

Junior Year.

Me and Fin have been sneaking around for nearly a year now and every minute i'm with him, my hatred towards him grows, every time i see Sam, i know that the secret is getting bigger and bigger and the pain on her heart will be worse. I sighed as the English class droned on and on, my eyes kept flicking to the clock even though i knew it was broken, I felt a buzzing in my pocket as my teacher continued to explain poetry. Sneakily, i pulled the phone out and read the text.

You, me, closet. 5 minutes- Fin.

I cringed at the text, i'd rather stay in English than go to the closet, i sighed and texted him back

Which one?

I don't know why i asked, i could of told him i didn't know which one he was talking about. I cursed under my breath at my stupidity. My phone buzzed again, i sighed and opened it.

3rd floor, 5 away from girl's toilet's.

I sighed and angrily put up my hand

"Yes Hannah?"My teacher asked, while holding his monkey flask.

"Sir, may i go to the bathroom?"I asked politely, he nodded and i quickly left the room, i walked slowly up the stairs as i reached the third floor. My heart still didn't quicken it's pace and my palms still didn't get sweaty, isn't that what your supposed to feel when your sneaking around?

 I sighed as i got closer and closer to the dreaded closet, my heart getting louder with each step, the guilt getting bigger and bigger. I stopped at the door, staring at it intently. Should i stay or should i go. The songs lyrics rang in my mind as i fidgeted outside the door.

My question was answered when Fin's hand grabbed my wrist, pulling me into the small space. His lips attacking mine

"Hey Hannah...How are you....I'm good Fin but i think this should stop"I talked to myself between the kisses. He groaned and stopped rubbing his head.

"How many times to i have to say this, if Sam just happened to find out-"I cut him off with a sigh

"I know, but she doesn't have to, we can pretend that you blackmailing me never, ever, happened."I protested. His jaw clenched up as i mentioned the subject for the hundredth time

"Hannah, we're not going to talk about it ok? Just do what your supposed to do"He snapped, re-joining our lips. The kiss was cold with no feeling what so ever in it. Just like normal. We separated as the bell rang through out the school. I left the closet first and blended with the other students. I heard the door open again and Fin's footsteps going the other way. My eyes searched the corridor when i saw Sam's familiar outfit. My heart broke a little bit more as i remembered what i was doing but shook it out of my head.

"Sam"I called out, trying to make my voice sound confident. Her head snapped towards me and a smile broke out onto her face

"Hannah"she yelled running towards me, throwing her arms around my neck.

"I havn't seen you in, like, forever"She pretended. I smiled catching onto the joke

"I know, it was all like three lessons ago! I was close to tears"I acted, she smiled

"Hannah. Sammy"Chelsea yelled. We turned to her and we did a group hug

"Oh my god Chelsea, i havn't seen you since, like, last period"Sam exclaimed. I laughed

"Chelsea, you and me have to like, catch up, we havn't talked since this morning"I yelled. We were silent for a few seconds before bursting into laughter. I forgot about the closet and laughed along with my two friends as people gave us strange looks.

Eventually we calmed down and slowly walked outside.

"So Sammy Whammy, how are you and Fin"Chelsea asked, taking off her shoes letting her feet cool down in the hot weather. I sighed as the sun hit my pale skin

"It's good, great actually"She smiled, i faked a small smile at her as i wanted to cry about my dirty doings.

"So Hannah, whose this mystery boy that's got you all worked up?"Chelsea asked me, i choked slightly

"Pardon?"I asked, did i hear that right? Mystery Boy?

"Don't even lie, for the past few months you've been so pre-occupied and dazing off, it must be because of a guy"Sam explained. If only you knew. I faked confusion

"I'm pre-occupied because our exams are coming up and i don't want to fail"I lied, they frowned at me

"Exams arn't for another 5 weeks?"Sam said, I froze for a moment then smiled

"I'm a nerd, i don't want to fail"I lied again, they sighed and gave up. I sighed and listened to them talk about Fin and how him and Sam would be going on a date tonight. I smiled to myself, No Fin tonight. My mind rang. Sam smiled wildly thinking about her date with him. at least she's happy..My heart said. We heard the bell ring and quickly made our way to class, Chelsea snorted slightly

"Turquoise and violet eyes? I think your going crazy Sam"Chelsea said in disbelief. I raised my eyebrow

"Sam, i agree with Chelsea, you've finally lost it"I teased. Sam sighed annoyed.

"I saw what i saw. I'll see you after science"She mumbled, making her way to her science class. I shurrged my shoulders and said goodbye to Chelsea. Walking to history, seeing Fin stare at me intently sending unwanted shivers down my spine...


Some of you still hate Hannah and that hurts my heart but its your opinion about her. I know that she should of told Sam from the begining, but if she did that i would have no story ;) i don't know if this a long chapter but i really hope it is since i've been writing it for nearly two days. Oh and a quick thanks for you guys for giving this story a chance and showing it so much Love :) gah i feel sappy. We're Through will be out later. I hope :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2011 ⏰

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