You can't sleep

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Your POV

So today you were going to your best friend's house, Cameron Dolan. You guys were going to have a sleepover. You knew she had twin brothers, Ethan and Grayson. You have always had a crush on Ethan Dolan since the first day you ever went to her house. You always thought he was just so fine. You were laying on your bed going though all your social medias, when you got a text from Cameron.

Cameron💅🏻❤️: hey girl, get ready I'm going to be picking you up in 10 minutes.

You: alright. I can't wait were going to have so much fun!

Cameron💅🏻❤️: I know!

You: ok bye girl see you in 10

Cameron💅🏻❤️: alright byee

You put your phone down on your bed and started to get ready. You were only staying for a day because you have other plans tomorrow. So you just picked one cute outfit and put it in your bag. You also put some perfume, toothpaste, toothbrush, and some mouth wash. When you finished packing your bag. You ran down the stairs and slipped on your flip flops and sat down on your couch waiting for Cameron to knock on the door.

{A couple of minutes later}

You hear a knock on the door. You open it and it's Cameron. "Hey girl you ready" Cameron said all excited. "Yup I'm ready" you said excitedly too. Your excited because one your going to have so much fun with Cameron and two you get to see the one you have the biggest crush on. You guys walk out to the car and get in.

{Cameron's house}

Cameron and you walk up to her house and knock on the door. Gray and Ethan might be here you thought. You guys were waiting from someone to open the door. You see the door nob turning. It's Ethan." hey y/n" Ethan said smiling. "Hi" you said smiling looking at the ground from blushing. "Hey cam" "Hey Ethan" cam said back. You and cam walked inside and ran up to her bed room and sat on the bed. You and cam were having so much fun. Talking, laughing, watching movies, and playing games. You and cam were getting really tired after watching a scary ass movie. The movie didn't seem to bother cam but it did you, you were really scared you haven't seen a scary movie like that before. Cam decided to go to bed, so you went with her. You and cam had to share a bed. You both got your pjs on, got in bed and started to go to sleep.

{40 minutes later}

Couldn't sleep

{50 minutes later}

Couldn't sleep

{1 hour later}

Couldn't sleep

You couldn't sleep at all you were so scared because of that movie you and cam watched. You were tossing and turning. So you just got out of bed and tiptoed down the stairs quietly as possible so you didn't wake and one up. You went in the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. You heard someone come down the stairs. It was a shirtless Ethan. Damn this boy it sexy you thought. "Hey y/n is that you" Ethan asked rubbing his eyes. "Umm. Yeah" you answered back. "Why are you up so late" he asked coming closer to you. "I- I couldn't sleep" you said looking down. " aw, why" he said lifting your chin up. "me and cam watch a really scary movie and I just - I'm just so scared, I've never seen a movie like that before" you said looking into his beautiful hazel-brown eyes. "Come here" he said grabbing your hand bringing you to his room. "If you can't sleep, you can sleep with me if you want" he said smiling. "Are you sure" you asked. "Yeah it's fine" he answered back with smile. Gosh his smile is beautiful you thought. He got in bed and patting the side for you to lay down with him. So you did. You were laying on your right side and so was Ethan. Ethan scooted closer to you and wrapped his left arm around your body. It felt so right. "I could get used to this" he said. You felt him smile in the crook of your neck. That made you smile. "Goodnight Ethan" you said. "Goodnight, sweet dreams" he answered back kissing the back of you shoulder. You smiled and drifted of to sleep. This was literally the best night for you.


A/n; hey guys! I really hope you enjoyed that imagine:) thank you all for reading❤️ I'm going to be doing more soon, so stay tuned! I love you guys to the moon and back byee!❤️

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