Chapter 1| Dill Pickles

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After I was finished cleaning my room that basically had a mind of its own, I went to the clean cut, modern kitchen. I set out some honey turkey with some prepackaged crackers. I went to grab some dill pickles out of the fridge, they are Dylan's favorite hence the nickname Dilly. I called Piper on her iPhone 6 and, thankfully, this time, she answered which relieved my stress and worry.

"Hey sis!" we said simultaneously as if we had sister telepathy.

"What do you need?" says Piper as she sighs.

"What makes you think I need something?" I replied with a sarcastic tone to my voice.

"Just a hunch." answers Piper in the highest voice that is humanly possible.

I decided to crack and said, "Well, OK. I need you to come pick me up from the house and take me to the grocery store so I can get some dill pickles for Dilly. He's coming over tonight and dill pickles are like his favorite food in the world."

"Okay, I'll be there in 15. Love ya beb!" replied Piper with an exhausted crackle in her throat.

With a enormous smile on my face I said "Love you too Pipes! See ya in a few!"

Since I had 15 minutes, I figured I could read a chapter or two of my intriguing book called Paper Towns by John Green.

~Fifteen Minutes Later~

I heard a knock on the door that is similar to the beat of Piper's favorite song, Stitches by Shawn Mendes.
I immediately knew it was Piper because, come on, let's be honest, who else knocks to the tune of their favorite song? I sprinted to the door, grabbed my phone of the Quartz countertop, and hopped into Piper's little, silver Ford Fiesta. She gently pushed spare key into the ignition and we were off.

~3 minutes later~

Piper had to stop for gas, so she pulled into the Mini Mart, parked next to pump number 1, took off the gas cap, and put the pump into the "Party Car". As she went into the station to pay, my phone began ringing with my cute little Tinker Bell ringtone. It was the same unknown phone number, and yet again, she forcefully answered .

"Hello?" I said kind of nervous .

"Hi, I called you earlier today-and six years ago- and I just remembered that it has been the wrong number all this time. It was supposed to be a 3, not a 5." Said the mysterious man- or woman- while cackling like a witch.

"OK, thanks for letting me know." I replied, relieved, but still petrified with fear.

Without answering the man hang up, but he didn't clear my memory. I never said anything about the conversations to anyone. Not Piper, not Dylan. No One.

~1 minute later~

Piper reinterred the car with a huge grin on her face- she's that quirky friend everyone has that never stopped smiling. She started the car and they headed down the highway to the grocery store.

~10 minutes later~

Piper and I arrived at Trader Joes. No big deal except for the fact that we absolutely freaked out because we got a parking spot right in the front. That never happens especially in the center of San Diego, which apparently was the highlight of both our days.

We skipped around the store like the weirdos we are. We were dancing like no one was watching, even though about 100 people were. Every one in the store seemed pretty disoriented and disturbed, the large group of people couldn't take their eyes off my beauty and Piper's talent. Or at least that's what we would like to believe. Sure we went in there for pickles, but that doesn't mean you can't have some fun doing it, right?

Piper ran into Kaela- literally- and they had a short and sweet conversation that some how ended with Kaela saying "See you at the party!". Piper didn't know what to think and neither did I. My head was twisted with too many questions to count about what the hell this party is.

What does she mean by "party"?

I thought I only invited like 4 friends?

Did Piper do something?

We checked out and headed though the diamond clear, glass automatic doors. We placed all the items in the small spaced trunk of the "Party Car" and headed home.

~15 minutes later~

The whole car ride home no one ever said a single word, silence was never broken. When we arrived to the beach mansion, we gathered the groceries and headed through the large, hand carved wooden doors. Piper decided to stay to help make snacks and Kool-Aid. At around 6:00 everything was done and we just sat on the couch watching Pretty Little Liars on Netflix.

What we didn't know was that none of that mattered because we were about to experience something by surprise and it may not end to well for Stella and Piper Jenkins.

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