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Debra or Deb Gunning , Blue Jay - Richard or Dick Grayson, Robin
Conny Kiath, Super Girl - Conner Kent, Super Boy
Willow Wind, Girl Flash - Wally West, Kid Flash
Mat More, Mr. Marshian - M'gann M'aors, Miss. Marshian
Apollo Cooper - Artemis Crock
Kelly, Aqua lass - Kalder Aqua lad
3rd person POV
Robin and KF (Kid Flash) were running around to different computer screens trying to figure out what is going on, finally, they got something
"Well it's either the world is going to end or something else will happen 50,50 shot" said KF
Everyone closed there eyes tightly and tightened their muscles waiting for the doom. The a blinding flash of light even with there eyes closed the saw it. When they opened there eyes that saw 4 girls and 2 guys unconscious on the ground.
Robin's POV
As I  saw the people appear my medical training kicked in and I ran to each of there side to check for a pulse. I side in relief they all had a pulse. M'gann pulled me out of my thoughts of what we should do by asking in a worried tone "Robin are they all right?"
"Yah, M'gann there all right."
After saying that everyone side I mean we may not know them but they are still people we have sworn to protect.
3rd person POV
Robin had gotten up to talk to his team mates and no one was paying attention to the people on the ground. Blue Jay's head tipped slightly from left to right when she was waking up. She had gotten up and her eyes were still closed, she then said wall holding her head "I am so not feeling the aster."
"Hey beautiful your awake" said a ginger speedster
She jumped up and said "GET. BACK! What did you do to my team!"
"I swear if you hurt them!" She spat with venom. "We didn't hurt anyone you can check them for injuries your self." Said Aqua lad. She looked at the other team with suspicion and walked over to her team as well as kept an eye on the team. She scanned each of them to check for injuries, poison, or anything not meant to be in a body at all.
Kid Flash's POV
The girl who basically threatened me with a birdarang was absolutely gorgeous. I know, I know, I shouldn't be checking out a girl who was threatening me but in my defense she is beautiful, seems strong, seems extremely intelligent, and something about her face tells me something bad happened in her past but I'm sure that last one is just me. She has raven black hair that goes to her shoulder blades, she was in a skin tight suit that looks like Robin's but where there was red on his there was sky blue on hers and where there was yellow on his there is white on hers, the black was the same on both, her skin was lightly tanned, and I could not see her eyes because she had a mask just like....... Rob! The two universes must have collided that explains why all the new girls look like a girl version of the guys and vise versa! This makes so much sense!
"Rob I think the universes collided that explains everything!" Then the girl in blue looked back at us and her team was up to, she gave us a look of they might be dangerous but I think we will be fine. "What do you mean the universes collided?" She had a smooth voice that was slightly Romanian but English and Romani all at once. She is definitely the girl Robin. "We got an alert for strange cosmic activity." Robin said like it was nothing at all but this is a major scientific event. We all did introductions (I'm skipping to blue girl if you want to know the other read the bold at the beginning) blue girl walked in front of our team and said " I'm Blue Jay and no you will not be finding out my secret ID." I couldn't help but think yep Robin but she is better looking than him. (FYI the entire other universe Justice League is in the universe and some villains that have something to do with this story and everyone in that universe that is here was replaced in the universe)

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