Chapter 3: She's a BITCH

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Four days later At Sharpton High the hallways were filled with talk about Alex's party. Ms. Conners death was kind of forgotten about since the most popular girl in school was having a function at her father's mansion in the hills and everyone was anticipating the guest list.

Rumors spreaded that Kylie Jenner was attending, Ariana Grande and the list goes on but who knows how true that is.

Rob walked into the loud, crowded cafeteria looking for his friends Dan and trevon. As he scans the room looking for his friends, he sees Alex and her cute friend that he was admiring days before.

She looks at him with a flirty smirk, Rob looks back to see who she was staring at. surprisingly it was him she was gazing at with her cat like eyes and pretty smile. Rob blushed and waved at her, she turns her head and whispers something to alex and laughs. Feeling embarrassed, he put his head down and started walking around to find his clique.

Not paying attention Rob bumps into Mike,
"Aye muthafucka you were waving at my girl?!"
Mike said with lots of bult up anger. Rob afraid answered, "no, no, no of course not. I was waving at...."

Trevon walks up and interrupts, "Mike don't get your ass dropped in front of the whole cafeteria. That shit would be embarrassing."

Rob has a face of relief after Trevon steps in.
Mike replies, "Look you ain't going to do shit but run your mouth."

Trevon steps closer to Mike with his fist balled up, "Make a move and I'll show you!"

Mike hesitated, he knew Trevon wasn't joking so he did what was less embarrassing.

"Haha you know I'm just kidding Tre! You coming to Alex party tomorrow night?" Mike said with a shakey voice.

"Definitely.", Trevon answered with his fist still balled up. Trevon gave Mike a glare until he walked away. Rob releases a big breath and says, "Damn man, thank you."

"He be trippin man! Wit his punk ass!" Trevon replied.
Rob walks with Trevon back to his seat. They sit at the table and tell Dan what happend. They continued their lunch talking about sports and the newest movies coming out that weekend.

Alex and her posse of mean girls strut over to Rob's table.

Alex was tall and slim, she had a body like a runway model and she loved to show off her sexy long legs. She had long, voluminous, brown, hair down her back.

"Hey Trevon, hey Rob, hey Dan. You guys are welcome to come to my party it starts at 9 and ends when the sun comes up." Alex said with excitement.

Trevon gave alex a flirty look and said, "Yeah, I'll be there for the turn up!"

Dan just nodded yea, and Ron said, "yup I'll be there."
Rob looks over at her friend Kimmy, the girl he has had a crush on for awhile now.

"Great! See you guys tonight, I gotta get the mansion ready for the party! Matter fact my limo should be pulling up, see you guys later!" She waves and walks away.

The bell rings for the students to get back to class. As the students pushed their way out of the cafeteria Rob makes his way to catch up to kimmy. But he loses her in the crowd, he stops to redirect towards his 5th period.

During Robs 6th period, his mind wonders off from the teachers boring lecture on economics.

"Kimmy is so sexy, she's everything. She's the only girl I would want to call my bae. She's like the sunset, beautiful an I can't keep my eyes off of her. I need to stop being a punk and ask her out. Maybe I'll get her alone at the party. .."

The bell rung and all the students rushed out of school to get the weekend started..

Later that evening, Alex is in the master sweet of her father's mansion getting her self pampered by her glam squad. Alex was born into a rich family that owns multiple shopping centers. Alex has always gotten her way, she's beyond spoiled, she's rotten!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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