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my name is YANDERE CHAN i was new at school theres alot of people. when i first layed my eyes on a boy i liked him i would kill anyone his name is SENPAI i took his bandage his delicous blood is still on it,i took senpais apple when he was going to throw it away,licking to teeth marks are sooo much fun.And this is senpais toothbrush is tole it from his home brushing my teeth with it is a wonderful feeling,and i put pictures of senpai on my corck board soo hes with me all the time i also use wepons to kill people who gets in my WAY.senpai will allways be MINE girls at school call me weird but i kill em anyway once i poisend kokona food she died a horrible pain that is what she gets for stealing my senpai nobody gets next to my senpai and thats a WARNING.

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