Chapter three

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One week later

Sam's pov

"Come on Gary!" I'm so excited, we get to go see Robbie and Chloe today and their little ones. I'm so glad that Lily is going to have some friends. "What are you doing!" I push open the bathroom door and stop in my tracks. "Gary stop!" I scream. He's standing infront of the mirror, only a towel wrapped around his middle holding a razor blade parallel to one of the scars down his torso. "Gary, what are you doing!" My hearts racing. He just tilts his head and lightly runs the blade down the length of the scar. I can see in the mirror it's making a small trail behind it. "Gary!" I yell.

I find the ability to move my legs and walk over to him, slapping his furry face. He turns he head a little as I make contact. He then looks at me with sad eyes. "Snap out of it" I sob. He bites his lip and drops the razor on the floor. "Sorry" he mumbles looking down at the floor to where the razor has fallen. I reach out to touch the scratch he just put on top of his scar but he flinches away. "Hey if you want we can go see Robbie another time. I'll call Ellie and she can come mind Lily and we can go see that specialist?" I cup his cheek in my hand and move my thumb back and forth. "Would you do that?" He asks, gazing into my eyes. "Of course!" I gasp at him. "But you were so looking forward to seeing the babies" he tires to drop his gaze to the ground again but I force it up. "Your more important"


"Oh my god, thanks so much for doing this El, Gary's taken a real bad turn. Like real bad. I dunno what cause it but I'm taking him off to the skin specialist to see what they can do about scar removal. I dunno what happened El, he was fine this morning then he went and had a shower and was taking forever so I went in and he was dragging a blade though his scars." I welcome Ellie in the door and start rambling immediately. "It okay Sam, no problem really" she smiles and heads into the kitchen. "Where is he now?" She questions looking around. "Sitting on the bed and long track suit bottoms and the thickest hoodie he's got, staring at the wall" I sigh. "Oh"


"Get moving Gary, you don't want to be late for this appointment" I rub my forehead, making my way over to him. He isn't moving, great. I lean over and hook my arm under his and hoist him to his feet. "Look at all the work your making your PREGNANT wife do!" I scream at him and it seems to have got his attention. "Sorry" he mumbles and starts walking through the bedroom door and down the stairs. "Thanks again Ellie" I say on the way out.

**gahhh I'm 17 in five hours and four minutes! Was the casual 2:59 am baby! :)

Please leave feedback for the birthday girl :) **

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