Forever and Always: Summary

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Melanie Kingsley was a young girl. A girl with big ambitions and hopes for her future. A girl who lived her adolescent life to the fullest. She was fifteen. Only fifteen. Her life was cruelly cut short by an intoxicated driver on a rainy day in the Irish summer.

Oliver Ross was a boy, a quiet boy. He lived through his junior years looking forward to after school where he would meet with his closest friend, Melanie Kingsley. He just turned fifteen that very day in the cold month of June. He watched as Melanie's life slipped away in his arms.

Piper Brown, a girl of only fourteen years. She lived with the stress of a father with a chronic drinking problem. The only joy in her life came from the fictional universes inside books but soon, even that couldn't save her. Her father, as drunk as one could be, was the man who killed Melanie Kingsley.

One year later, Oliver begins to recover with the help of Melanie's sister, Lauren, who suffered just as much as he has. Dylan Moore, a close cousin of the deceased, and friend of Piper Brown also supported Oliver and Lauren as much as he could. 

Melanie's death brought these four together whether they liked it or not.

As time begins to move, things change. Oliver starts to care for Piper, after all she lost her father to the prison cells. However the memory of Melanie stands in his way.


This will be a new story of mine. A plot, thankfully, has been thought out and all that's left is to add the chapters! Please drop a comment if it sounds interesting cause God knows I need the motivation~

Megan xx

NOTE: The quote from the start is from the book Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell. Said book is also a film.

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