Jerza // Passion #2

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Jerza - Passion #2

Jellal smiled as he made his way down the long corridor. He couldn't help the jittery feeling he had. The Tower of Heaven had taken too long for his liking, but it was finally complete. All that was left to do was bring her to him.

He made it to the double doors at the end and mentally prepared himself before reaching for the door knob.

As he walked into the dimly lit room his eyes landed on his precious scarlet beauty, chained to a king size bed, her naked body glistening with sweat. He closed his eyes and mentally shuddered. Mavis she was beautiful.

She was panting slightly and couldn't help but to have the sense of panic. She was once again in such a vulnerable state, and it was all because of him. Who would have thought a trip to the amusement park would have gone so bad? She just hoped the rest of Team Natsu was okay.

"Well hello my Scarlet, nice of you to drop by." He closed the door behind him and removed his coat.

"What do you want now Jellal?" he chuckled at the glare she sent him.

"Ahh once again acting so mighty Titania? Well if you do recall the last time we...met, I had told you that the tower was almost complete." His eyes darkened a little as he recalled the events of their last meeting.

Erza looked away as she began to remember what had happened after the event.

Fairy Tail knew something had changed in Erza after that day, but she showed no indication she was going to be telling them anything. After the events that had happened the night before, Erza cried. Her tears and whimpers the only thing heard throughout the night until there were no more tears.

How could this have happened? What terrified her most was...why didn't she stop it?

The moment she saw that her window was open, was a huge indication that something was going to go wrong, and yet, she did nothing. She had inkling it was him after she felt his presence behind him. She had time to react to him and he knew she did because he allowed her.

But she didn't do anything and just allowed him to pin her and she allowed him the chance to disable her magic.

Her mind was utterly scared that he finally found her after all those years and yet, her heart fluttered at finally being able to see him, after so long.

She just didn't know what was wrong with her, her heart would skip a beat every time she saw him and yet her mind screams at her to get away.

Erza was pulled out of her thoughts and began to panic as he put a knee onto the bed and tried to reach out to her. She closed her eyes thinking he was going to hit her but nothing happened.

Jellal stopped with arm still in the air. He was stunned at the fact that she flinched as if he were to strike her.

"Erza...," he spoke quietly and waited for her to open her eyes and when she did he almost flinched at how terrified she looked.

He slowly approached her and held her in a soft embrace. "My dear Scarlet, there is no need to fear me, I would never strike you without reason. So please don't give me a reason to do so. This is the last time I will ever see you and I would really like to enjoy the last moments of our time together."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2015 ⏰

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