home for a night

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He took his keys out of his pocket then, fumbling a bit, opening the door to his humongous apartment. "Make yourself at home," He said with his welcoming smile.

The two of us entered his apartment -me followed by him. After the chiming and clattering of keys, he walked in front of me and, with his arms welcoming and raised, said, "Welcome to my crib,"

I took a look around. It was a humongous apartment, filled with top of the line furniture. I took a seat on the couch and he sat beside me as well. "Colton," I said almost inaudibly. He faced me.


"Thank you," I said.

"No problem," He said, smiling at me. "So...tell me about this boyfriend of yours,"

"I mean if -if it's okay with you," He added.

Colton had given me a place to stay even if it was only for a night. He had accompanied me throughout the whole day and I thought that it was only right for me to tell him what had happened that morning.

"Well, his name is Matthew but I call him Matt," I started and I could feel my throat ready to choke. "We've been together for two years, and-" By this time I could feel the tears coming from within me. "and-well let's just say he- he- those two years meant nothing to him once he cheated on me last night," The tears rolled in when I said 'nothing'.

Immediately, he hugged me and within his arms, I felt his warmth. I wiped my tears with the sweater I was wearing. When I realized whose it was, I felt a surge of tears and at the same time laughter since it felt as if Matt was mocking me.

"What? Why are you laughing?" Colton asked, probably thinking I had turned into a psycho.

"This is his sweater," I said, whilst wiping my tears with it.

"Well, we need to do something about that," He said. "Do you want me to throw it outside?"

I let out a small laugh. "Let's burn it when I find clothes to wear tomorrow," I said, still wiping my tears with the sweater.

Colton didn't look pleased so he took off his varsity jacket and offered it to me. I was about to tell him that I wasn't wearing anything underneath but on further examination, I just met this guy and I didn't want to tell him that. I took his jacket and thankfully, he turned around without me even telling him. I took off Matt's sweater, revealing only my Victoria's Secret bra. I quickly put on his jacket, buttoning all of the buttons since I wasn't wearing anything underneath.

"I'm done," I said as I placed Matt's sweater on the table.

He turned around then eyed me. "You look nice," He said.

"Thanks," I said. "For a girl who had just gotten her heart shattered into a million pieces, that's a nice compliment," He laughed.

"I mean it," He said.

"Don't hit on me now. We kinda just met," She said. "And like I said, heart shattering into a million pieces a few hours ago,"

"Yea, yea I know," He said. "Just want to make you feel better,"

I smiled at him, thankful that I found someone to accompany me and make me feel slightly better on one of my lowest days.

"Oh!" Colton suddenly exclaimed while standing up. "House tour,"

I stood up, then followed him as he went around his apartment that seemed too big for only one person. We went inside his modern-style kitchen -the same as my kitchen in my apartment.

He opened the fridge, stacked with food fit for three people. "Here's the food. Since you are my guest, this is also your food," He said rather charmingly. He then started going through the cupboards -filled with chips like Cheetos, Lays, and Pringles and popcorn. "Finger foods are in the cupboards,"

READ MY MIND -Colton HaynesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz