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Nicole's pov

"umm i want to talk to y'all about me and my fathers relationship "i said "ok what is it" August said i took a deep breath"my dad hits me like he did my mother who was sprung out on drugs some where i don't like livin with him can i plzzz live here i see how Madi gets treated" i said they looked shock August looked angry bruh i was scared "sure you can sweetie your fam babe "Nicki said i hugged her "thank you " i said hugging August he stood up a kissed my forehead "No problem no child should get beated no on my watch your safe here"he said then Nicki grabbed my hand August went to his chair on to his computer "i will show you your room then tomorrow we will go shopping for some jays and shit ight "she said i laughed shes gon be fun "ok heres your room rite next to Madison's babe" i opened the door this is the most beautiful room it was teal and white with sparkles "aww thx Nick "i said hugging her small body "NP babe make your self at home " she said "don't mind if i do"i said goin to the closet getting sum shorts and a white tank top my phone,charger and beats crashin a Madison place i went door to her room it was white and red louie lucky but hey who cares "hey sissy "i said flopping on her bed "hey babes "i said to Janicka and Olivia "y'all wanna blow up snapchat and Musicly "madi said "hell yeah "we said laughing "snapchat first lets trick em " i said to madi" ok" we got on snap she faced the camera at me then her she sat next to me then i looked at her we laughed "hey snap " we said the laughing "post it " she did then we got on musicly doin -all eyes on you i did the August part she did the Nicki part ( in the story August sung the song) after we was finish we went downstairs to grt some thing to eat then we went back upstairs and ate and went to sleep

August alsina's adopted daughterWhere stories live. Discover now