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The earliest memory I have was when I was a child, I got scared because I saw something in the closet but when my mum came in I knew that I was safe. My mum walked over to me and sat next to me and said the sentence that would impact my life forever "Don't worry sweet pea monsters don't hide inside your closet or under your bed they hide inside your head." Now normally that would scare a child but not me and even tho I was only 5, I knew exactly what she meant.
When I went to school everyone avoided me, saying that I scared them or that I was evil they'd talk about how my eyes where so red that it looked as if I had blood in my eyes. There wasn't many people in this school but I got bullied a lot there. There were about five or six people who bullied me however... This gang of bullies had one difference that made them more terrifying than any other. You know how normal gangs of bullies normally have a ringleader that would hide behind the others? Well this one didn't. You could call them a single working body because thats exactly how they worked, each member had a specific job and they carried it out flawlessly. There was one I was terrified most of not because she did anything in particular it was just because they way she used to look at me sent shivers down my spine simply because it was like she was staring at something out of a horror film she was more scared of me than I was of her but her fear was a fear of her own life like she attacked me to protect herself.

When I look back now it's all a blur, maybe it's my brains way of protecting me. However  the scars on my wrist remind me of every kick I got in the stomach. Every punch I got to the face. Every tear I cried in the bathroom at home. Every night I spent in the hospital after they broke a bone in my body and every time I ran away from home trying to get as far away as possible. Of course it never worked I always knew it wasnt ever gonna work but even so I had to try.

I'm not sure when it started occurring but every now and then I would strike back at the bullies because the last time I attended that school was when I was sixteen I was sat in a tree eating my lunch when one of the girls decided to climb up and push me off and when she did I got knocked out. When I woke up I was tied to a tree and the whole school was standing there even the one person I thought was my friend. They all laughed and even joined in calling me a monster however in this crazy situation teachers came over and sat on the benches just watching, laughing and chatting. I was mortified but that soon changed into rage when one after one they started chanting monster...... Monster...... Monster...... Monster.... Monster.... Monster... Monster. Monster! Monster! They just kept chanting and I knew at that moment I was on my own and even tho I couldn't comprehend the situation I knew no one was gonna help me. I the sea of people chanting monster they soon stopped when one person stepped forward and that was my only friend if I can even call her that now. She stepped forward holding a knife in her hand apologised to me (her words were so empty they were hollow) and drove the knife fast and hard straight into my chest. A few seconds past and she pulled it out. A few more seconds past she began to get confused as did everyone else as there was a hole but no blood. I began to laugh which was something I've never done in my entire life and my hand suddenly caught fire unexplainably which burnt the rope and I was suddenly free! I then snapped and drove my hand with force straight through the girls stomach blood poured out of her limp body I swiftly removed my hand next as I walked up to people I systematically killed them by pulling off their arms and driving my hand into their stomach so they'd have an extremely slow and painful death. I think it was about 7pm but by that time everyone was dead and I was washing myself off in the shower I never did like the showers in this school.

Before I left I locked everyone in the building still alive or not I didn't care and left the building setting fire to the front office as I left and got into the the black mustang GT 500 2006  version. I remember seeing the news saying there was only one left. I turned the key and left as the flames kept burning along the corridors of the school then all of a sudden bang!! I watched in the mirror as hell (the school) exploded from the gas in the science department. I'm not a monster probably!

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