Chapter 1: Once upon a time...

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Maizey POV

I could still feel it faintly, despite the sunlight falling on my closed eyelids i could still feel it, there, lingering.  That arm draped over my waist, pulling me closer, and someone nuzzling the space at the bottom of my neck.  

As i drifted back to consciousness the dream faded, the same dream i'd been having for weeks now, i sat up, snapping back to reality and groaning i pulled myself out of bed.  I trudged downstairs to the bathroom, drearily saying hi to my housemates as i pass through the living room.  I look at myself in the mirror as i'm washing my hands and just pause for a second, 'Today, you're going to figure out what your doing, Maizey', i mutter to myself, 'Snap out of this existential crisis rubbish, uni may be over, but you're not'.  I splash water over my face, glance back in the mirror and nod, decidedly. 

' Oi, weirdo, stop talking to yourself', my housemate Emi yells out.

There are three of us living here, just a small 3 bed, student house. We struck lucky when we got this one, the downstairs was open-plan and the interior was all new, so we basically lived in luxury, well for students anyway. 

'I'm not a weirdo, plenty of people talk to themselves', I reply, as i walk through the kitchen

'Yer, and those people, are all getting the help they need.  Can you bring the orange juice  through  on your way? Oh and you have post. ' 

'Anything important looking?' I ask as i grab some cereal

'Urm..not sure..potentially.'

I grabbed the carton of juice from the fridge and chucked it her way as i picked my post up off the table.  I plonk myself down on the sofa next to Emi and start eating my breakfast while sifting through my post.

'Sleep well?' asks Emi

'Yer not bad, same old' i mumble through mouthfuls of Cheerios

'Still dreaming of mystery man?' Emi chuckles

'Oh ha ha very funny' I put my bowl down.  'It's weird, it feels so normal and familiar in the dream, if not a little bit freaky'

'Maizey, it is a little bit freaky. You're dreaming of someone in your bed. I'd be freaking out by now.  Ooooo maybe your being haunted? We'll have to call the boys' Emi's eye widened at the possibility.

I chuckled, 'I think Sam, Dean and Cas are best left on boxset for now, it's just a dream after all.' I pick up the last letter and open it, as i see the oh so familiar logo on the top of the page, I gasp.

Could this be it? Could this be the letter i've been waiting for?

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